Currently I have :
4,778 Moonstones
32,480,000 Pebbles
I am Dakkokki on Flight Rising
Current ratio is :
1 MS : 7 Gems
1 MS = 52k pebbles
Currently I have :
4,778 Moonstones
32,480,000 Pebbles
I am Dakkokki on Flight Rising
Current ratio is :
1 MS : 7 Gems
1 MS = 52k pebbles
Hello! I have 58 gems currently and I'm still needing to claim all of my achievements. Are you interested in this? If yes then My user on FR is Skylinx87.
I also have 53310 treasure on hand as well.
I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!
That would be ~8ms worth for the gems and ~7ms worth of treasure, so 15 ms?
I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!
Sure thing! Just send the CR and I'll send the MS!
Just updating how many gems I have and how much treasure I have.
I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!
I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!!
Sure, I can do 10 MS for 70 gems
I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!
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