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1 days ago
Trading a few wolves for volmyrs!

Hello! I am trading some wolves, in return, you trade me a volmyrs per wolf. 1 wolf = 1 volmyr, 2 wolves = 2 volmyrs, and so on and so forth. Here are the links to the ones I'm trading!

Make sure to message me first, I accept any Volmyrs, as long as it equals the amount of wolves I give you.


Iris DeFluer

1 days ago
The Itchy
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How is this a good deal? 😭 not to be rude, but am I miss reading? One common wolf, for one premium breed?😭😭😭

1 days ago
Sorry I just joined a few days ago so I don't know what's premium, and what isn't. I'm mainly a fan of flying creatures, so that's why I made this; to get rid of ones I won't use, but get something useful for me, and idk if these wolves are useful or not to other people. I don't really know much about this game, my friend told me about it so yeah.

Iris DeFluer

1 days ago
The Gardener
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If you're interested in pups, I'd be happy to trade a pup from my vol pair! The pups will be born in a few days, and there'd be no pressure to trade if the pups don't turn out in a way that interests you - the pair is Silvermist and Moonlight.

As for "premium" breeds, the only thing that really makes them premium is the cost of the breed changes. They're plentiful enough that, unless you're talking about a ww that was breed changed to vol, they're not really worth all the much more than "common" wolves.


Are you snack-a-lackin or are you lackin-a-snack? - Penny Pack Food Bank (Free Food!)

Check out my Sales Den! Flexible prices, open to trades!

23 hours ago

yes! This is perfect! I gladly appreciate the offer, Is don't necessarily care how they turn out, I can always add extra stuff to make them look cooler, so thank you, I will trade a wolf from my den in return, since you are the first, I will let you choose which wolf it'll be

Rules for my trade: CANNOT CHOOSE A VOLMYR, cant choose Iris and Carlos.


Iris DeFluer

22 hours ago
The Shiny
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Volmyr wolves are "premium" in the sense that their breeding cooldown is 12 days, so they can't breed as fast as say Kit wolves, who have a cooldown of 8 days. This means if you were to want specific colors/patterns, it would take longer to achieve. They're also less likely to pass down their breed to their babies- like if you were to breed a Volmyr with a Kit you'd get a large number of Kit wolves before getting a Volmyr.

That said, welcome to Lorwolf! If you would like one of these two Volmyr for free, let me know! No trade required! (I don't have the space for it lol)

New Mexico or Texas

22 hours ago
The Gardener
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Great! I'll message you when the pups are born so you can pick the one you want :) As for the trade, I really like Mabel or Lily, if either of them are still available when the pups are ready. But there's no need to hold them, I don't mind picking a different wolf if someone else trades for them!

Are you snack-a-lackin or are you lackin-a-snack? - Penny Pack Food Bank (Free Food!)

Check out my Sales Den! Flexible prices, open to trades!

20 hours ago
The Tailor
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A Volmyr of one of our projects 516029

is looking for a home if your interested 🌱 Vol are great can’t blame anyone for want a whole pile of cute bat dogs ✊🤝

Edit: we also have this lady 479763


Always buying Citrine Gems | Silk | Leaf Piles

12 hours ago
The Helpful
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Don't have the space but got a bunch of Volmyr females ready to have pups when I can get them nested. Currently was Nesting Direwolves (my favourite breed) and my breeding projects but can nest my females next just don't remember who I bred them to XD they've been sitting for like 2 months probably

Sale Den 1, Sale Den 2

All wolves 1MS or 10kp

Released at level 10 for KB

Direwolves for sale

11 hours ago
Great! I'll message you when the pups are born so you can pick the one you want :) As for the trade, I really like Mabel or Lily, if either of them are still available when the pups are ready. But there's no need to hold them, I don't mind picking a different wolf if someone else trades for them!
Perfect! I'll gladly trade you one of the two wolves, Mabel has a brother but is sadly already not in my den anymore, it was a Gravity Falls reference to Mabel Pines and Dipper Pines lol. But yeah, you can have one of the two, whichever one appeals to you.

Iris DeFluer

11 hours ago


Volmyr wolves are "premium" in the sense that their breeding cooldown is 12 days, so they can't breed as fast as say Kit wolves, who have a cooldown of 8 days. This means if you were to want specific colors/patterns, it would take longer to achieve. They're also less likely to pass down their breed to their babies- like if you were to breed a Volmyr with a Kit you'd get a large number of Kit wolves before getting a Volmyr.

That said, welcome to Lorwolf! If you would like one of these two Volmyr for free, let me know! No trade required! (I don't have the space for it lol)

New Mexico or Texas

Thank you! I'll take both if you don't mind! (I actually live in Texas lol)


Iris DeFluer

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