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1 month ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
•yes friend reqs!
177 Achievements
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Her lip lifts in disgust.

"No. I'm not one to let a killer roam free. You killed a good member of the Darkspine pack. I think we'll take you back to camp and let our leader deal with you."

She dug her claws in deeper for a second, drawing pinpricks of blood, before releasing him and grabbing his scruff in her large maw.

(edit: cutely waiting for the others to respond before I continue :3)


1 month ago

Eschew growls and grudgingly stumbles along, trying to make it take as long as possible. He tallies up the number of wolves, 3, and tries to think of a plan. I can try to sneak out at night. Or slip away when they let their guard down. Or when they loosen up, I can fight unfair though someone will get killed… he huffs and watches the surroundings.


Hello There.

1 month ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
73 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
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Forum Comments: 132
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1

Burn growls threateningly at the Jocal making sure to snap at him if he goes to slowly or tries to move away from them. She did not drop her guard at all, knowing that he may try and escape if they lowered their guards at all. She snorts, paying attention to her surroundings as well as the prisoner Incase he had a friend around.

(I hope you all don't mind me bringing in another OC, if you do and want me to not use him then feel free to say so. Bringing in Shadowed Glacier.)

The kit had covered his tracks nicely, knowing that he wouldn't be followed. He had helped Eschew escape and was now a traitor to his pack. He had never liked kindness, as he thought being kind was being soft and weak. He follows Eschew's scent, before realizing that there was three pack members surrounding Eschew. Shadow lets out a silent huff, he knew that he had been particularaly disliked within the pack but he never showed signs that he would betray the pack. He recognized Auburn Shadow and Alaska and Kiera, as he had gotten along with Burn but he wasn't too sure if he had gotten along with Kiera or Alaska. He trots out of the bushes slightly ahead of the group, sniffing the ground as if tracking Eschew. He had not given any sign that he had betrayed the pack or aided the killer. He made a very descret signal to Eschew to run as soon as he had everyone's full attention. Catching the faint scent of a herd of deer he turns his head in that direction with a confused look before looking at the group. "Oh! Did you guys catch the killer?", he asks, his voice although deep held a curious undertone to it. It would be obvious to Eschew that he was a really good actor and that he was very good at pretending he didn't know him.


I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

25 days ago
Eschew noticed the young wolf and flicked his tail to show he had noticed him. He coughed and stood up straighter, then asked, “Are we there?” He took note of everyone around him and how on edge they were. “My feet hurt.” He lifts his front paw and shakes it, pretending that it was sore.

Hello There.

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