I got this gorgeous guy in a KB hunt, and am moving the offer forum and turning it into an auction! Everyone meet Gabriella!
Acceptable Bid Items; MS (1:1), MS Shards (10:1), KBs (2:1), Besprinklers (35MS), CA (CA Shop Value) :) yes, you can mix and match
Just for fun, he comes out absolutely gorgeous with a full Stripes set, or a full Leopard set!
Start Date; September 10th
End Date; September 17th (1 week) at site rollover (8pm EST)
Start Bid; 30MS
Start Claimed By; NiTi
Snipe Guard; 3 hours
Current Bid: 35MS by TmstrBlmstr
Edited to add Rules;
Ping whomever you outbid
I can hold for the winner for up to an additional 3 days (so until the 20th).