Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
9 days ago
The Companion
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Great, thank you for the update!
9 days ago
The Loving
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It seems really cool but I'm left wondering why invent guilds when these could be goldsea/icerun/murkwood/darkspine pack related rewards?

The packs don't really do much in this game compared to others and this would be really nice to add some flavour and excitement. You wouldn't have a live chat for such a large group, of course, just the pack forum pages, but rewards for pack teamwork would be a nice addition.

Well either way, it does seem like something exciting!

I came here to post this! I'm hardly someone who can really comment on the feature (since I only check in LW for updates and sometimes events) but the Guild system seems like something that makes more sense for packs than player-run groups. The only thing that wouldn't really work is the moderation/permissions system that the Guilds have.

I hope packs get something in the future. I was actually kinda hoping the story events locked you to the pack you chose and that all four were only open during the beta tests to test them, since in-lore you're joining all of them despite being in one. I dunno, I wish they had a focus outside of loose pride.

8 days ago
The Legion
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It seems really cool but I'm left wondering why invent guilds when these could be goldsea/icerun/murkwood/darkspine pack related rewards?

The packs don't really do much in this game compared to others and this would be really nice to add some flavour and excitement. You wouldn't have a live chat for such a large group, of course, just the pack forum pages, but rewards for pack teamwork would be a nice addition.

Well either way, it does seem like something exciting!

I came here to post this! I'm hardly someone who can really comment on the feature (since I only check in LW for updates and sometimes events) but the Guild system seems like something that makes more sense for packs than player-run groups. The only thing that wouldn't really work is the moderation/permissions system that the Guilds have.

I hope packs get something in the future. I was actually kinda hoping the story events locked you to the pack you chose and that all four were only open during the beta tests to test them, since in-lore you're joining all of them despite being in one. I dunno, I wish they had a focus outside of loose pride.

Agreeing with the above two statements!

Plus I would like to add that.. well this is another absolute behemoth of a feature that is only a part of chapter two.

Honestly, I fear it may be a loooong time before we see the actual implementation, and I would like to once again emphasise how smaller more frequent updates can help the site survive on the long run. There's several QoLs that are dearly needed, bugs that require squashing and it seems like all of that is pushed back for this humongous update that will contain so much that, once it is launched, people will most likely feel a bit overwhelmed with it all.

Please pace it out. That should help us get more frequent content and help the site to remain interesting to those who still play in between larger updates.

To be honest, just the guilds on their own would be a perfectly fine stand-alone and still massive update, without all the other details of chapter two


8 days ago
The Trailblazer
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Goodness, that looks incredible!

8 days ago
The Curious
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I'm tentatively intrigued. I feel like there could be scope for clique/exclusivity/'you're not in the right guild' type stuff to happen, but I hope not.
7 days ago
The Resourceful
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I think the guild price is set a lil low. Getting 500k is very easy and I think a created guild should be more exclusive then that. I would have made it at least 10 million
5 days ago
I'm back after about a long long long hiatus and these new features are SICK AS HECK to come back to

Still Waters Run Deep

3 days ago
This looks amazing! I cant wait. :)
2 days ago
if anyone has a guild that's always active u can pm me if u do cause I don't hv a guild to join anyways as long it also has breeding and contests if u can pm me if u do cause I'm lonely sometimes though :c ok thnxs
2 days ago
and im in ice clan to don't know how many users that is in that clan cause I have no friend to talk to daily and im lonely
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