Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
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5 months ago
The Odd
363 Achievements
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 3
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

I feel a lot of the focus on the larger updates are to complete everything the staff envisioned would be out right after leaving beta, so I understand them wanting to work on such things, but I completely agree with what's being echoed here.

I would love smaller updates and QoL changes put on the forefront rather than the huge massive BIG updates. We all know that the Darkspine Event was the first event staff had planned on releasing and implementing, from my understanding to the updates given in the past. So I kind of understand focus on that end and bigger things to tide users over, but I really truly believe that smaller updates would be so much more welcome at this moment in time.

All my friends who got into lorwolf with me at release left a long time ago, there just weren't enough things to look forward to that were immediate, rather than months out.

I'm not saying to have an update every week, but just other things to focus on would be amazing. I still don't think there's enough non-event, non-achievement apparel in circulation to dress up our lorwolves. And I'm also kinda bummed about not being able to make the achievement apparel for my friends but thats something else entirely. There are few genes released for our wolves and overall I feel the customization of your pixel wolves, one of the biggest things for any petsite, is severely lacking.

I do NOT count custom apparel in this. Custom apparel is made by users who have faith and love lorwolf, but they should not be the sole way to get any decent apparel customization on a petsite, where the whole point of a petsite is customization.

Smaller updates would be amazing, apparel, genes, anything at this point. A lot of users are exhausted from all this lack of updates and communication. Myself included.

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