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3 months ago
The Baker
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Sneak peeks / dev communication


I've been thinking about the updates that we have had recently regarding the site and I wanted to make a suggestion / give some feedback regarding this:

Would it be possible in the weekly event news posts to provide a sneak peek of upcoming content, or even as a standalone post? At the moment it has been roughly 2 months since we've really had any kind of update on upcoming content and to be honest the site feels very quite at the moment. I was thinking that something like this might help generate more conversations on site and give users something to discuss and speculate over and a reason to keep returning to the site. These updates could also be used to manage expectations for when new content would be arriving, but also giving players an idea of the progress that is being made with teasers etc.

Alternatively if a weekly or even fortnightly time frame is too short maybe we could have a more consistent monthly update from the devs, as it stands at the moment the most recent update we had was the beginning of August and before that was June. I appreciate that there is likely a lot going on behind the scenes and the devs are busy working on the game, but communication with the player base is really important for the longevity of a site. Being able to effectively communicate allows players to provide feedback and builds trust. When players feel like they are being heard they are more likely to continue engaging with the site.

At the moment there does seem to be a perceived lack of communication from the staff. There have been a number of issues brought up by players recently, the economy being a big one, however I personally haven't seen this directly addressed since a post in one of the patch notes threads from about 8 months ago. I think more frequent updates would also be a good way of collating information that may have been provided in the forums into one area for users to view, which was done in one of the news posts back in January and did link to the post in the patch notes.

Another alternative could be to bring back a rough development map, but I appreciate that this could be quite restrictive and cause unnecessary stress for the team with having to hit deadlines etc.

This suggestion is only meant to be constructive criticism / feedback and I only want the site to do well, but personally I think the devs / staff could improve communication and keep users a bit more in the loop with regards to the development of the site, I completely understand that some things are likely to be subject to change and may not be ready to be shared with the player base but I think that some kind of small update every now and then would go a long way to keeping players interested in the site, we all want to see Lorwolf succed! Big thank you to Quiche and the devs for all the work you guys put into the site :)

If anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them as well!

(This is super rambly I apologise, will probably edit if I can gather my thoughts together a bit better)

3 months ago
The Legion
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Personally I think it would be much better for the long term enjoyment of players (And thus viability of the game) to not have massive updates once every blue moon, but instead of regular smaller updates.

Personally, I do not count the weekly posts as updates, as they do not bring anything new and are just a copy paste of the post of 8 weeks ago. And honestly, sneak peeks, other than temporary hype, still don't bring anything new to the table. So while there may be some short rush of dopamine or whatever happy hormone a sneak peek unleashes, it is just that; a sneak peek. And nothing new, nothing to do, nothing to interact with.

Having a smaller update with new stuff on a more regular basis would be a way better basis for the game on the long run. For example, as previewed in the August 'update' (which was just a huge sneak peek imho) it was mentioned that some QoL improvements would be part of this huge chapter 2 that is coming ~soon~. However, I would much rather have some very direly needed QoL updates now, instead of having to wait until every other part of chapter 2 is finished. It makes no sense to me to not release stuff that could benefit the game and improve the enjoyment of those play the moment they are done. We don't need a whole slew of new quests, a level cap increase, a new profession and other things, to also have those QoL updates. In fact, we NEED those QoL updates.

That being said, apart from more frequent actual updates, we definitely need more communication from the devs.

So TLDR; I don't think that sneak peeks are going to resolve the issue. We need more frequent (smaller) updates (and I don't count sneak peeks as updates). That being said, better and more communication definitely wouldn't hurt.


3 months ago
The Focused
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Yeah, it feels like more and more I am seeing people say they are taking a break or leaving. As someone who is active in the CA space, we are seeing less and less submissions/activity the last month. Even I am not hyped to keep making content when a lot of the other players start disappearing. If there aren't plans to do an update until the next event, than I think you will see more and more people leaving. I love this game and when things get quiet for long periods I worry despite knowing that things are probably happening behind the scenes.

Previews are fun, but they shouldn't be the only thing we are given for months on end. I agree with Gaia, small, more frequent updates would help. Even simple things like more recolors of existing items would be nice. The big all at once updates can be fun, but you risk loosing people along the way when things go silent for long periods.


3 months ago
The Helpful
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Honestly, I'd love all of these. Whether it's a bigger update with sneak peaks and communication, or more, smaller updates like Gaia recommended. Either way, absolutely support!
3 months ago
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I don't have much to add besides support for all the ideas posted above. I also want the game to do well and I hope the devs will consider listening to their players. I don't think these big updates every 2-3 months are working for keeping engagement and excitement alive.
3 months ago
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Jumping in to say support, and i agree with everyone, especially what Vaylise wrote.
3 months ago
The Golden
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Support! I've played consistently since early access and agree that communication is definitely one of the devs' weakest points. I understand a lot goes into the game, but there has to be some engagement with the players. I had hoped once a community manager was in place we would get more info regularly. That hasn't happened. At this point I don't expect it to. If this is an ongoing issue for more than a year, I don't see things changing. It's just not a priority, I guess. :/
3 months ago
The Golden
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I support and agree. I had pretty much ignored this site for months because I got bored. Then came back and was really active, but now I feel I’m getting bored again. Seeing people leave and things getting quieter is discouraging. I definitely think we need more communication from the devs, QoL updates and just incentives to keep being active.

3 months ago
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Support! It does feel quiet and like things aren’t happening. Monthly updates would be great, and little updates every week or two would be great too. I think what would keep people interested is if the LW team gave us some monthly themed wearables for our wolves like FR or DV does. Those are the things I personally get excited about the most. Some of us have so many wolves, but theyre so bare. This would help counteract the problem of not getting new CA each week too. Also, Most CA feels unaffordable because you have to buy so many pieces to dress your wolf fully. This makes the CA apparel seem expensive. I have bought ms, but I don’t want to have to keep purchasing items with real money. The site needs to give back more, but I realize it just takes time for sites to grow.
3 months ago
The Tenacious
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Communications seems like one of the things the team struggles with the most-- since pre-beta, in fact. Unfortunately, it's one of the more important parts of running a community like this, even if purely for its own self-interest; people are just straight up more likely to spend money to support a site they enjoy if they think it's doing well and they can see progress happening more than a few times a year. I haven't spent any real money since the site launched, and that's primarily due to how communications and player feedback have been handled. :/ I don't see that changing for me for a few years even the site got better at it starting tomorrow, it would take time for my confidence in the site to return, but newer players don't have to wind up in the same position!

I'd still love to see 'em fix that! It would be a shame for them to just give up on the place that still has a lot of potential if they'd just manage morale more effectively.
3 months ago
The Exhausted
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I agree with what others have said. While sneak peaks would be nice, we could really do with more content instead. It definitely sounds like they're holding things back for one massive chapter 2 drop, which I think is a bad idea. Quoting myself from the August dev update:

While this all sounds wonderful, I would strongly urge you parcel it out into smaller regular updates rather than one huge drop far in the future. Big updates bring people back, and small updates keep people playing. The Chapter 2 campaign, new profession, and new breed are all big enough on their own to pull players back, and the rest can be smaller updates to fill time in between. It feels like a waste to drop it all at once, because then you'll be stuck scrambling to create the next new thing or else leave us stuck with another content drought. Feast and famine doesn't make for a stable playerbase. A steady drip feed of smaller new things will keep players happy, and I'd assume be easier for staff since you can hold things in reserve and stretch their release over a longer time.
Now if it isn't true that they're holding things back, and it's just that none of the things mentioned in the dev update are finished yet, it would be nice to have that communicated. But I have a hard time imagining that they haven't finished a single thing so far, so it seems more likely that they're holding everything for a single update. Please drop things in smaller batches as they're completed! More small updates is infinitely healthier for the site than one massive one!
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