Why hasn’t there been new custom apparel in the shop the last two weeks? I thought we’d get some weekly. We’re able to have so many wolves, but we’re lacking in apparel! ^^
For custom apparel, all questions can be asked in the CA Support Thread. Custom Apparel can take up to 14 working days to be approved. Some weeks may be quieter than others on approvals if there's a lot of reworks being sent out, staff holidays/sickness and workload. If a Custom Apparel is over the 14 working days, the creator is more than welcome to reach out to in the CA Support Thread to request further information on the delay to their submission. Thank you for your question and I will move this to the Questions and Help section.
Quiche's answer is obvs the best one here, but a possible additional reason for a lack of CA is just some CA artists not drawing as much or at all any more. I know some pretty prevalent CA makers who have left LW, and they were a large chunk of the available CAs. Even when the queue goes through, there may not be too many simply due to some of the more prolific creators leaving. I myself have lost any desire to make new CA, or restock my OOS ones.
I want to re-iterate that this is a possible reason, not a guaranteed one. I hope that, when the queue does move again, I am proven wrong and we have many new CAs to see.