I talked to someone about the idea a while ago and realised I never actually made a thread, haha. But yeah, the basic idea is for the Mole Market to offer an unsprinkler/desprinkler/idk what to call it. Lots of the ms circulated atm seem to be going into besprinklers for people to play around with wolves and go on (sometimes 20+) sprinkle journeys for a single wolf.
Since we desperately need some more pebble sinks and I'm willing to bet every habitual sprinkler on this site knows the feeling of "oh, this is actually worse than the colours before I sprinkled", I propose an item that will revert a wolf to the colours it had before the last sprinkle.
Some concerns that came up logistically were data and storage space, and iirc the suggestions for that were
- to basically save a 'snapshot' of the colour info of any wolf once a player applies a besprinkler BEFORE the new colours are randomised, rather than keep track of every single wolf on the site. That narrows the data down to only the wolves being actively sprinkled
- to only ever save one (the latest) set of colours per wolf and delete any previous ones as soon as a new one is made
- potentially to time it, so that the info about previous colours is deleted... 24h?... after a besprinkler was applied, meaning you have 24h to apply the un-/de-/countersprinkler to revert to the old colours until the new ones are permanent.
That way, space shouldn't be TOO much of a problem (hopefully?), pebbles will be spent regularly, the buying of besprinklers is encouraged (less to lose if you can go back one version) and thus the site gets more money, and people can indulge in colour gambling a little more recklessly ;)
Would love to hear some additional thoughts from you guys, though!