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6 months ago
How do I get back into the game?

Hey all! It's been a minute since I've played the game and I wanted to get back into it because I'm getting wolf brainrot!!!

However, I want to refresh myself on the lore and mechanics and I have no idea how to jump back into playing!

Is there a way to replay lore segments or are they archived somewhere? It would be a big help if anyone could give me advice on getting back into the game >_<


Skunk lovers unite!!!!
I have panic disorder, please use tone tags! :D
6 months ago
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They are currently working on Chapter 2 for Campaign. For the meantime, try to max out some dens, maybe work on leveling all your wolves+companions to lvl 10, or work on breeding projects! Maybe try to reach a few goals (ie 100ms, 100kp). Really, just enjoy the game!

black travelers cloaks 👹
6 months ago

They are currently working on Chapter 2 for Campaign. For the meantime, try to max out some dens, maybe work on leveling all your wolves+companions to lvl 10, or work on breeding projects! Maybe try to reach a few goals (ie 100ms, 100kp). Really, just enjoy the game!
Unfortunately, I don't remember how to do anything. I wanted to reread what is currently available of the story if that's possible /nm (Sorry if I came off as rude, I didn't mean to, haha!!)

I'm unsure if that's possible of if you would know how to do that though hahaha. Which is why i asked if there is a summary or a page for it anywhere


Skunk lovers unite!!!!
I have panic disorder, please use tone tags! :D
5 months ago

Hi! I'm not sure if there's an official page (I'm admittedly quite new to this game lol -v-"), but I did find a Fandom wiki made by others which has a lot of information on the story and mechanics! :D Here's the link to it!:


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It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

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