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3 months ago
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Tips?

Hello! So I still consider myself sort of a Pokémon newbie, but I've been thinking of trying Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX. It looks quite adorable, and the style style looks great, but I've heard it can be difficult for people new to the series. So I was hoping to get some tips from people who've played the game or previous games before.

I'm also trying to narrow down whether PMD DX is the one to get. Since I have a switch, I had my eyes on PMD Rescue Team DX, but I still have a fully functioning ds and 3ds, so I wouldn't mind trying some of the older games if people preferred the classics over Rescue Team DX.

3 months ago
The Tenacious
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DX (if its the one i'm thinking of) gets its reputation of being The Difficult One from being more of a classic dungeon crawler, where you are given sets of available pokemon per dungeon & it leans more into the genre's vibes, mechanically-- people that already enjoy dungeon crawlers seem to like it better, but people that aren't as big a fan but liked the older games sometimes didn't have much nice to say about it, haha.

I didn't think DX was bad though! It was still very cute, and easy to have fun with! But i guess if i had to pick just one, i did prefer Sky because narratively speaking it was easier to focus on your little duo, if that matters to you! Just kinda depends what you like.

Sky is also far and away easier to mod with Sky Temple, if you are into that sort of thing. >:P

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