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3 months ago
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Fav/least fav color + stuff owned

I have thought about this a lot, way more than anyone should x)

What's your favorite color?

What's your least favorite color?

And how many stuff do you own of your fav vs least fav color?

For me it's (mint)green that's a favorite color of mine (used to have a tumblr with reblogged pics with the color in focus, my bedroom at the time was mintgreen, most of my wardrobe is green etc). My least favorite color is purple and apart from pencils and paint or boxes/packages, I own about 5 things with this color on. One of the five is also one of my favorite items that I own...

3 months ago
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My favorite colors is kinda difficult for me to decide haha, its been red and purple, but i think it leans more to orange/lightgreen now. I have a very hard time with pink and brown XD It is a big no from me and i am avoiding to buy clothes in those colors at all cost. Hmm, i have plants here and there in my apartment which i appreciate, orange i am not sure. Unfortunately i have some clothes that is brown. RIP
3 months ago
The Golden
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My favorite color is purple and I'm not sure how many purple things I have but I have this purple hoodie that I love and I wear it almost every day. I love it so much I've bought several others of the same hoodie. >_> So as they wear out I just wear a different one. I've been buying them over the years on Ebay lol. I've bough at least a half dozen of them. I also have a purple water bottle I love. And if I can get something in purple I'll usually go for that lol.

Funny enough I don't collect purple dragons or wolves really. I prefer green dragons and different golden and green and natural wolves on here.


3 months ago
The Independent
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For 3 years my favorite color was purple and suddenly it changed to yellow XD orange is my least favorite color though, bc it's just gross to me ._. I have alot of stuff, but both colors aren't really there.

3 months ago
my favorite color is red, and my least favorite color is pink
2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
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My favorite color is black, in case anyone couldn't tell by wandering into my dens. I'm a huge fan of black-red-and-white color palettes.

My least favorite color used to be pink, but I've sort of gained an appreciation for it over the years. I don't know if I have a least favorite color anymore.

As for things that I own in my favorite color? The vast majority of my clothes, tech, and furniture are all black. My home is largely monochromatic with grayscale and red accents.

1 month ago
The Gamer
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My absolute favorite is lime green! Not sure why, its just very pleasing to look at, no real connection for me there like say, "green makes me think of nature" or something. Its just that very specific shade and I can't peel my eyes off of it lmao. I only have very few items with that color, its not common at all and would need to specifically search for it online if I wanted to hoard it.

Least favorite: Magenta. Its just so harsh on my eyes and making it work in combination with something else is very hard especially since I feel like the only other color that works with it is neon blue, but blue is second on my list of disliked colors since I grew up being forced to like it and have blue all around me, now I refuse to own anything blue. But magenta still wins as the least favorite just for the sheer eye burning I get from it.

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