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4 months ago
The Restless
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[Apparel] Make SOME of the Apparel items flip-able

It happened to me quite a few times now that I got different “background” apparel pieces (like trees, or columns, not actual backgrounds) that would work great for the outfit I’m trying to make, but that ended up layering over each other, because they are all in the same place.

This meant that not only, couldn’t I use the pieces I wanted together, but I also ended up with a big blank space on one side, because everything is only ever made to fill the other side.

The latest example is Robin here:

I’ve waited for about a month to finally get the Moon apparel in my Mole Market, just to be disappointed with how much it overlays with the column, despite the fact that there is a perfect place on the other part of the canvas, where it would look perfect!

So my suggestion is that SOME of the “extra detail” type of apparels (trees, columns, paw tracks, dirt, etc.) should be flip-able, so the player can more effectively use them in their outfits.
I’m specifying the type of apparel, because for obvious reasons, for most clothing items, this feature would be useless (although it might still be fun, just to make some completely broken outfits).

Now it would also be fun, of course if you could move items like that to wherever you want on the canvas, but that seems like way more work on the part of the dev-team, than it would be worth.

I made some mock-ups, what it could look like, if you could flip stuff:

flipped Moon

flipped Skull

flipped paw prints

In my mind, a player would be able to just tick a box in the “dress-room”, when putting on apparel.
Items that can be flipped could just have an extra line in their description, like “(flip-able!)”, or maybe an extra icon underneath the apparel icon, or something like that.

4 months ago
The Firstborn
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Ohhh yes! 100% support!

Art by Kali

4 months ago
The Foodie
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I really thought the columns were going to be on opposite sides when they came out. I was very disappointed that they weren’t. 100% support this solution.

Have a blue and orange wolf? I might buy it!

Gen2 Bracchus Trading

Buying MS at 1:30kp 124/600

.. ..loading.. .. ..

4 months ago
The Tailor
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Support! Support! Support! Support!

( we’d like to be able flip the candle+roses display items )


Always buying Citrine Gems | Silk | Leaf Piles

4 months ago
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Hesitant yes. I think it’s a good idea, and would be appreciated, but would likely require making new image versions for all of the flipped items that go behind the wolf, because if it’s anything like custom apparel it’s technically not “behind” the wolf, the wolf is just carved out of it. That would be a lot of images, especially as new breeds are added.

Either this would be quite the taxing thing for the person handling the image files or apparel would need to be changed to work differently. Either way it’s a lot of work that might, currently, be better spent.

This is NOT a no-support- I think this would be a very good feature- but I’m not sure that it’s something I want in the near future.

I think some new background apparel that’s similar to existing apparel, but flipped and changed slightly, would be heavily appreciated generally, though.

4 months ago
The Restless
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I thought about this when I first made the suggestion, but I believe that it probably wouldn't be as much work as it first appears.

Presumably, since different poses already cut into different parts of these "background" apparels, the team already has a full version of all the apparel items (and even a second version depending on which side the item is on, since they can be either on the left, or the right side depending on the pose), without the wolves, so they only need to cut out the silhouette, which is comparatively less work. (Speaking from my experience working with Photoshop. The only reason it took me longer than 10 minutes to make a mock-up of a flipped column, and why I decided to just leave it out of the first post, (despite making one,) was that I didn't have a version without any wolves in front of it.
I would be very surprised if the art team didn't have those files, since it would make adding new breeds and poses for existing apparel needlessly complicated in the future.)
So it would obviously still be a lot of (probably pretty tedious) work, but not an "draw a new version of every apparel"-amount of work, if that makes sense.

In my mind it just felt like coding the new feature and creating an interface for it, would probably take more effort than adjusting the art, which is why I added that the even more complex feature would probably not be worth it, but I don't know the teams workflow, so my estimates could be wildly inaccurate.
And yeah, if they were to implement something like this, it should probably pretty low on the priority list right now.

(I hope this doesn't come off as trying to disprove your point or anything like that. I just wanted to share my thoughts, since I did have a similar thought while writing my first suggestion and just didn't include it. Discussing the theoretical workload and if it's worth it is definitely important.)

EDIT: I also just realized, but besides the columns and the willow trees, I can't think of a lot of big "background" apparels, that would need new files. Most of the extra type apparel is either in front of the wolf (like the candle+peddals OxO mentioned), or doesn't really overlap with the wolf in all poses (the moon apparel, for example would overlap with the wolf in some poses like Brracchus M, but not in others like Jocol F). In the last case, if creating new files would really be a big strain, it could just be in front of the wolf when flipped.
So I'm genuinly currious what other big "background"-type apparel there are, that could reasonably benefit from being flippable, since I've probably forgotten/not noticed them.
3 months ago
The Odd
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ok first of, YES. 100% support I'm so sad that the spirit boon items can all be on one wolf and visible, but the same is not given to the aerofins or the pipplins or the columns and trees like initially mentioned!

This suggestion is reminisce of Gaia Online where some apparel items had different locations and poses for a single item. It made the rare items that much more worth it and unique. Yeah it might take some coding but it might not be as taxing as one would think. I have seen my friends who are beautiful and talented artists flip and adjust accessories or items on their work with relative ease. Yeah there's a couple poses and breeds and it will only get larger but I feel that would be a really good way to have people collecting and buying these items more!

Please I'm begging to have flying fish (aerofins) literally everywhere on my wolf.

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