Saaame, this is my first Abundant Activities and I do be rattling my enclosure bars yelling at poor Miss Mac and Thumbs to go faster as I make them do the same thing over and over like some cursed carousel
"But they were humans— who knows why they did anything?" - The Murderbot Diaries: Exit Strategy
I think I might have gone a little overboard this Abundant Activities. I was SO close to finishing the last general achievement to get the reward silks and sash, I stayed up late, i couldn't focus on anything, even at work I was checking as much as i could. BUT WE DID IT... with all the weekly goals finished too.
Good luck everyone with their activities, make sure to stay hydrated!
Pfft . . . this is how I feel a majority of the time on the site. I usually have multiple windows open, too, to keep an eye on timers while I play in different areas.