Deciding to writing this Thread to submit some suggestion: to sustain Value of pebbles.
As all users know, pebbles are easily earned by Nana in these days. (that is why Nerf Nana thread is created. i agree a partial.) let me suggest some ideas.
1.Establish the Raffle.
It is pesky to maintaining the Pebble value due to pebbles are released bunch of amount not only Nana, but also various forms. then, we could considerable, how to retrieve pebble proportionally? i could suggest- Raffle. For example as FR, FR suggest Raffle once a week to consume bunch of in game currencies. It must not have to be Thri-colour or other Really rare one, at first, it will be appetizing a user to attend to Raffle will be :
>Item suggestion:
a). Tri- MS gened G1, or Zerda/Vol Gened Specific coloured G1s.
G1s are generating a lot. i don't think this will decrease the value of the G1. (you can considerable Raffle G1 must marked as Raffle Prize Such as Fr/ or other online game. or account-binding to preserve some specific rarity of G1s.
b). "Fate" besprinkler or specific Colour -scroll.
This must be account binding. (or , have to -suggestion.) Concept is simple. The Scroll will suggest to change colour of the wolves. (for example, if you put up raffle of Natural colorued hue scroll, when player wins, they received the scroll, and if they apply the scroll in specific wolf, it will change the order of the scroll. ) This will be preserve the G1 value if someone is really worried.
C) Other ideas could be added such as specific- concept items. but it must not infringe raffle-rely. Recolouring some Apparel Items or Pattern switched Familiar will be Good idea. or If the time passes through, 1st anniversary Comp or 1st festival items will be good prize of raffle. (or normal besprinkler 10 packages lol. a lots of ppls will crazy about- i assure.)
2. Making various consuming goods in Marvin's shop.
i do know marvin's shop will gonna be reorganized. renewed. but some suggestion.
a) Items of WWs.
Meeting WWs are only two method in these days - one is encounter directly, others are Hunting with KBs.
i want to suggest Meet our new fella much more rapidly with- pebble consumable contents. Just make user pay to marvin some amounts of pebbles with 50Kbs. (amount might be 100,000Pb, or 200,000 pb or more etc.) and marvin will exchange those items to summoning items that could directly put Wws in user's den.
name could be "the Soul Horn" or something else- (concept like shofar, animal- horn made instruments that will assimilate the Wild wolves they could directly walk in to the player's den.) This will be really beneficial to the ID hunters and their challenges. they will pay for even more for that items. (using items methods are also considerable, Like stock is non-limited but using items will be one click by one.)
b) New breeds. New genes.
This must be required dedicate work and speed, and less error which is difficult for these days. i do understand coding is .. horrify things. (Also making arts, and Lore.. OMG.) but that will be circulate a lots of Pebbles well due to ppls are really enthusiastic with Making their dream wolves. i will soon suggest the breed concepts on other post.
C) Other goods such as seeds, apparel, background.. i don't doubt Devs are preparing ! i will pass this section in this moment.
3. Training Den. (den space+ training)
This concept is like Wolves are training in the den -This den will be positioned beyond of the ordinary den. Like, basement or some other areas. they can't breed during in training den / but they only can reacting with Nana with only XP familiar. In this case, Nana could paid more with training den/ or the other NPC that works instead of Nana. (Like , all activities are paused until they depart to den, but if you click the NPC/ they will train same amount of XP familiar or more times / but consumes more Pebbles./ per each wolves.)
Training den must be have cooldown for each wolves./ and have their purpose of preserve their wolves. Den could be purchase by pebbles. but it must be paid more than normal den. Training den must not consume more pebbles with Maximum leveled wolves. so, it must codded well. oh, god.