Looking to trade my FR dragons and other stuff for MS or possibly really nice WWs or high value items.
I’m Darkfeather over there. Check out my lair and hib den and feel free to give offers on anything except Calathea and Hera. Almost all my dragons are G1! Though my peacock, wind, and windstorm tabs are tentative and I want good offers on them.
I also have a bunch of UMAs for sale. If there’s anything that interests you let me know! Most if not all are listed on the AH.
If theres any particular FR item you’re wanting then let me know and I’ll tell you if I have it.
Also trading gems for moonstones at 1:6.
Current gem amount: 719
I’m particularly interested in Bracchus WWs, Bracchus Breed Changes, Alpha Crowns, Golden Unicorns, Beta Censers, CA from Laughingfool, glowing eye apparel and moonstones.