Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
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LF: Gen2 Pups, Low Gen#, ect

I'm currently going through a huge den purge and would like to fill it back up!
I'm ideally looking for Gen3, or less. Low-digit IDs are cool but aren't the focus. But I can accept mixed gens or huge family trees for cool looking wolves. I like natural colors, colors that replicate real animals, Majority black/white+accent color combos, or oddballs that have abnormal colors but aren't eyeburners. (Not much of an eyeburner person.) I want breed diversity so Zerdas, Brachy, or Dire are very appealing. WW may be cool too? But I'm picky, since they tend to lean towards..... skittle-colored.

I can trade my own wolves (I'm getting rid of 5-digit wolves, Gen2/Gen3s, and general clutter. Check Overflow+Ellemoore for said wolves), pebbles, or a little bit of moonstones. I also have a ton of items I'm too lazy to get rid of, hah!


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1 month ago
The Hoarder
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Hii i'm not sure if these fit, but Here's a den of my Gen 3's and 4's that are just sitting here.
I'm breeding some gen 3 volmyr x Dire wolves if you're interestted as well they'll give birth in 23 hours.
So far here's the den they're mostly braccs volmyrs and zerdas, since I just got back.

Let me know what you like!



1 month ago
The Golden
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1 month ago
The Handcrafted
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let me know if this g3 catches your eye.


1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
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Hey there! I'm also curious to see the puppies from your Vol x Dire's, but I do like this Brachy you have here in the meantime!! Let me know what you'd want in return!

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1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
Any Pronouns
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Ooo I'd love to have him! I have a ton of lupins, but I really really like lore puppies! And I've actually recently asked to be pinged for your progen G2 kids on that thread haha! How much will this guy be? Unless you wanna trade something instead (i have sooo many of my own progen pups if that's interesting)


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1 month ago
The Golden
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I saw! I’ll def ping you when I have g2 pups. XD

Im wanting 5ms for him but im willing to look at whatever you have too. :3


1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
Any Pronouns
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Oh haha I think I bought the sibling to that dire!! I could not resist the doberman colors.... The other ones are all a bit too bright for me, but thank you for sharing them!


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1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
Any Pronouns
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I apologize if this is kinda messy, I dont do forum stuff often,,,
In my Overflow tab I have a bunch of my progen offspring-
"Traveler G2 #294930" all the way to "Masq G2 #310287" (Any of them with familiars are just getting leveled to 10.) are directly from my progens!
"Calcy G3 #314080" to "Char G3 #403619" are G3, children of my progen's first daughter!
Then I have some G3 Brachys and two G2 kits from my 5-digit WWs

The Ellemoore tab is more of a grab bag, random 5-digits, random gen#s, and not very well organized. Just wolves I'm trying to get rid of and had since forever!

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1 month ago
The Golden
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Hm! I’m a bit torn between Pepper and Shadow. XD But Shadow would be more of a fair trade I think lol. A g3 from your progens first daughter for a g3 from my progens first daughter. XD

1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
Any Pronouns
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I don't mind if you'd prefer Pepper instead! But it would be neat to trade G3s from progens :D Up to you!


Passively playing, responses may be slow. I appreciate your patience!

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