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4 months ago
The Handcrafted
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[Wolf Profile] "Copy" & "Save" Image doesn't work properly

It seems sporadic; sometimes I get the wolf and all of their apparel/CAs. Sometimes, I just get the wolf without any apparel. Sometimes I get the wolf with some but not all of the apparel. It doesn't seem to matter if it's site apparel or CA. It doesn't matter if I choose "copy image" to clipboard or "save image" to download it, either way I get the same image copied/downloaded.

Windows 10

4 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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From my understanding, it doesn't copy the background apparel. So in terms of my wolf Scoops, it takes everything but the clouds surrounding him.


I assume this falls in line with the change of not having backgrounds in gauntlet/campaign, but I feel all apparel should save/copy from the wolf profile.

4 months ago
The Handcrafted
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@Twicup i have no idea what you used to work, to copy and save with all apparel, backgrounds included. my wolves still currently have background CAs that show up in campaigns, gauntlets etc. i know because i always laugh at the awkward rectangle of CA clashing against the goldsea background, like the wolf is warping in from a rift in time.

im also not saying its only backgrounds either. things like site apparel "tusk" "envelope" etc disappear. but only sometimes. if i come back in 2 hours or click save 39 times i will get 15 different versions, all with different apparel layers turned on and off, which i never changed on the wolf itself.

4 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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I've only ever had pieces that directly affect the background disappear, but I remember hearing from someone that the plan was to remove site backgrounds. None of my backgrounds on my wolves show when I save, and things like sparkles and clouds disappear. I do still see the backgrounds in the other two, but I just assumed it was a step in the process. For instance, save (and copy) both remove the background + outline sparkles on Haku, and it removes backgrounds on all of my brown wolves as well as the backgrounds on Hallow + Kelly. It's annoying for sure, but again, I attributed it to a step in the process of removing them from visuals in other aspects of the site.

4 months ago
The Handcrafted
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@Twicup you seem to not be listening. pretend nobody mentioned backgrounds.

lets say i have a wolf with 8 pieces of apparel. none of the apparel is a background of any kind. its wearing all site made apparel.


i hit copy and i get an image missing the helm, necklace, and envelope.

i hit save and i get an image that only has a gorget and plush.

i hit copy again and now i get an image wearing a sword and hearts.

i hit save again and this time the image is wearing a helm and plush.

i save a 3rd time and the wolf has changed again to wearing only cuffs.

i hit copy and save 20 times each, and each time, i get a different combination of apparel, but never the full set altogether.

2 weeks ago, i did the exact same thing, on the exact same wolf, and it copied and saved the wolf with every piece of apparel it was wearing. now, suddenly, i repeat that action and get randomized apparel.

it has nothing to do with backgrounds. its happening to wolves with and without backgrounds. you were the only one to bring up backgrounds, which doesnt seem relevant here anyway. youre claiming that backgrounds dont show up in campaigns or gauntlet, yet lo and behold my team of battle wolves all have backgrounds that are completely visible every time i campaign and gauntlet. this is also not an issue of images in campaign and gauntlet, its an issue of "copy" and "save" from the wolfs profile. even you admitted that from the wolfs profile all layers should save, and yet, it doesnt anymore.

4 months ago
The Exhausted
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Can confirm it's not just backgrounds. I tried to copy a wolf to discord who doesn't have a background, but his eclipse shawl (a CA) was not showing in the image.

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4 months ago
The Lurking
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Thought it was just me. It's random which apparel are selected every time I try to copy/save, it seems. I can't seem to get the full image at all.
Browser: Brave (on Windows 10)


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