Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Our September Dev Update has been posted here.
27 days ago
The Curious
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24 days ago
The Handcrafted
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I will be extending the event til the 31st, to give everyone more time for working on entries. :3
18 days ago
The Independent
53 Achievements
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Starter Rank 1

Here is my entry! Sorry if it’s slightly off theme. (I tried ;-;) The story is also kinda dumb but whatever

Sorry that it wasn’t posted earlier, I had no motivation xD

This story is about Orrion ( )

A chilly wind rippled Orrion’s coat- a new year is on its way. He looks around for a sign that the new year was still going to happen. The Party-Planner, Crow, (and a good friend of Orrion’s) had recently fallen ill, and there seemed to be no sign the new year would come at all. Orrion frowned.

Crow looked up from his den and felt a chill. He coughed. It didn’t seem like he was going to get better. “Star… are you still with me?”

“Yes.” a female voice answered. Star was Crow’s mate, and she had been by his side ever since she could remember. “Are you sure the New year will come? Without a sign from the heavens, it might not.”Crow said. Star answered calmly, “It will happen. It must happen. How else will life go on? Do you expect time to just freeze?”

“Perhaps you’re right,” Crow said before heaving himself outside. “The year must come, or else all will be lost.”

Orrion trotted into the forest of Darkspine, gathering leaves and branches for a sturdy shelter to welcome the new year with. He took them back to his den for safekeeping, before emerging outside again calling for his village to gather around. “There has been no sign that the new year has come, but I don’t expect time to randomly pause. Nonetheless we will still have our New Years’ gathering.” After the announcement the village returned to their dens.

A crow caws in the night. Orrion awakens with a jolt, realizing that the sign may have just come, and he had missed it.

The next day Crow annd Star arrive in the Darkspine village. As Orrion wakes up he sees the mates and comes running up to them. “A sign came last night! The gathering will begin!” They begin building the shelter, gathering food & supplies, and that night, the whole village begins the gathering.


4 days ago
The Handcrafted
☆ no friend requests
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Mining Rank 2

@Audhoney @Vinn

You each won 2 fawn wolves (front page)! Please select your preferences, first choice to first poster, then the remaining fawns to the other. ^^

4 days ago
The Clean
339 Achievements
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@lady lunafreya @lRubyl you both may pick 2 wolves each from the 2nd Generation prize pool!
3 days ago
The Curious
358 Achievements
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Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 3
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
2 days ago
May I please have the top right and bottom left fawn wolf? Thanks!
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