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2 months ago
The Handy
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Mirror Mirror

I can't be the only one.

I've been playing Gauntlet a lot. Hours on end trying to get this even ONCE. I. JUST. CANT.

It is deeply massively unfun to have an impossible goal. It's been three months since the "fix". Why am I sill at zero. Why why why. It will only get harder as time goes on and it is currently an f-you level tier goal.

Every other random achievement will happen if I play long enough. Trinkets in fishing? They happen. Moonstones while cooking? They happen. Wild Wolf encounters? Sure, they take a while but they show up.

Mirror mirror is a broken game mechanic and it is BREAKING ME.

2 months ago
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In my opinion, Mirror Mirror should either have its total required successes halved or only require one matching companion. As it is right now is ridiculous and will only get more difficult with each new companion.

I do know some people who have gotten it a few times. One of the better squads for getting up into the 20s is jocol/kit/kit/thrasher/snowloon. Some people have said they've seen the crested snowloon and the abyssal thrasher the most, but I feel that's due to those two companions being on the "optimal" team and thus used more often.

I'm not even bothering with that achievement because there's nothing you can do except hope you get lucky. You can't influence it like... at all. What's the point in trying when there's other achievements to get, like the 5-wolf team one? So I'm leaving Mirror Mirror for last (and hoping it gets changed at some point).


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2 months ago
The Golden
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I’ve managed to get it two times. I can’t tell you when or how as I haven’t paid attention but it’s happened.

2 months ago
The Handy
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@foxriddles Halving the requirement would still leave me at zero. I'd rather they require only one companion to be mirrored, and if that's too easy then move it one 1k (or whatever) to get the achievment. At least the number will go up and I could get there eventually. I do use snowloon/thrasher. I'm only actively trying in that I'm playing the gauntlet for othet achivements and it SHOULD happen for this one, but isnt. The odds are too insane.

@Darkfeather at your current rate of play, having it happen 2 times in 3 months will take you over 12 years to finish, not accounting for the difficulty increase as new companions are added.
Just some fun math : /

as an aside, I've been trying in the goldsea seasonal trail since it's a smaller pool of companions. I had it happen once, but it did not count towards the achievemnt. I wouldn't really want it to anyway, becuase then you have to decided between a functional team that can win and get you tickets or a terrible team to get the achievement.

2 months ago
The Golden
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Lol well I haven’t been playing that much until the Goldsea event happened and I’ve been hitting the gauntlet harder the last couple weeks so I don’t think that calculation is very accurate. XD But it’ll probably take awhile yeah. I probably got them when I was using two vespens. I’ve seen two vespens show up on opposing teams a few times.

2 months ago
The Exhausted
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As someone who has managed to get it to 12 successes with it (mostly with snowloon/thrasher and thrasher/varani, though I've hit it with some others too... like both Crystalapins come up a fair amount), yeah, it needs to be nerfed. It took a lot of work to get it to where it is and I'd love it if it was a tad easier or something xD I think having one match instead of two would be the best.

Let's have it rely a little less on rng, especially since the companion amount will keep going up. It's bad enough that it was broken for a few months, making it so it couldn't be attempted without having things like the quillaras involved (also in all my time, I've only seen the consumed crystalapin in there out of the consumed companions! It's interesting).


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2 months ago
The Beastly
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I really really think this achievement should only require one matching companion. 2 seems to be ridiculously hard to get, especially with the gauntlet having a timer between rounds and eating up stamina so fast.
2 months ago
The Curious
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I agree, something needs to change with the achievement. I think the best would be to have only one companion match, but if they wanted to keep it at two then maybe they could make it so both colors of the companion count. So if you have a crested snowloon and an abyssal thrasher on your team, and you encounter an ivory snowloon with an abyssal thrasher it still counts.
22 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
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This is definitely the most challenging of the achievements out there. None of the other Gauntlet tasks even come close.

That being said, I have been tracking my progress with it in another thread using the Snowloon/Thrasher duo. I didn't have luck with any other combo despite sticking some out for months. So far, I have managed 46 encounters since 5/31/24. I'm almost half way there and am averaging about 10 a month or 1 every three days. I managed some INSANE lucky streaks where I got 3-4 a day so it's really just RNG.

I know this one is challenging and at times mind numbing. I'm honestly driven to get as much done before they add more families to the Gauntlet, thus making it harder in the future. Right now, it's a slow, but it's only going to get worse. I'm sure the devs are hesitant to make it so that only one companion is required to be on the opposing team simply because it would allow us to then progress too fast. I see tons of Snowloons and Thrashers every day. I could probably knock it all out in under a week if they changed it.

But I also understand how frustrating this particular achievement is for the vast majority of the site, so I think that if enough people are struggling with it or just avoiding it altogether, something definitely needs to change. Like, even if I've been toiling and busting my furry behind to knock it out, I won't lose sleep over it being made easier for everyone later on.

EDIT: I just saw someone mention having the total successes reduced and I feel like that would probably be the most fair compromise!

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