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1 month ago
The Handcrafted
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@WanderingRain I would be willing to add some to get to the remaining 50ms value if that would be acceptable for that one wolf? :> I could try to make it as treasure if that's preferred (just let me know the conversion rate/how much TR), otherwise I can offer pebbles (again let me know your MS->PB conversion & the amount) if you'd be interested?
1 month ago
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@foxbun I'm fine with treasures, so if you're fine adding some alongside the items, that works for me! I can also keep the pup on the side for you if you need time to collect the funds. ^^ I'm in no rush so you can take all the time you need :)

However, there's more than 50ms in value to add. Your current total is (the equivalent of) 49ms. For that wolf, I'd be asking for (the equivalent of) 175ms. So you have to collect the equivalent of 126ms. My conversion rate is 1ms = 6 gems = 6.000 treasures, so that would be 756 gems or 756.000 treasures to collect, which is quite a lot. Ideally I'd like to avoid getting pebbles, but I suppose I could accept them. The ratio seems to be around 42.000 pebbles for 1 moonstone, if that seems like a fair rate? That's 5.292.000 pebbles, on top of the apparels. Just note that I'm fine getting a bit of everything, so you can send the apparels + pebbles + treasures if it's easier for you ^^ Again, I'm in no rush so if you need some time I can totally keep the wolf in a separate tab and wait until you've collected the total :)


Flight Rising profile :

1 month ago
The Handcrafted
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@wanderingrain sorry for the confusion! If you don't mind a wait, I'll collect some treasures & gems; in the meantime I'll keep stocking up apparel/familiars as I find them. Right now I've got 102g + 375k.

I also noticed I have some of those Achievement Tokens, if you'd want me to buy some apparel from the achievement shop I've got close to 500 tokens. ^^

1 month ago
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@foxbun No worries! And no problem, I've put the wolf on the side for when you're ready! :)

  • Oh, yeah, I'd be interested in apparels from the achievement shop! Here's a list of those I'm interested in :
    • Dusty Grey Moth Cape
    • The 4 masks
    • The 4 shackled books

    If you've manage to get some extra tokens, the Crystal Censer or any of the chickens will do just fine :)


    Flight Rising profile :

    1 month ago
    The Handcrafted
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    @wanderingrain awesome! which values would you put on each (in tr/g)? :> so I can try to keep track & get to the right totals~

    I picked up:
    1x crystal censer
    1x dusty grey moth cape
    1x each mask (4)
    1x each book (4)
    2x chickens

    1 month ago
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    @foxbun Here are the prices I found in the AH for all the items, for a total of 117g ^^

    • crystal censer = 6g
    • dusty grey moth cape = 18g
    • the four masks : 10 + 5 + 5 + 9 = 29g
    • the four books : 10 + 10 + 10 + 14 = 44g
    • two chickens : 10 + 10 = 20g


    Flight Rising profile :

    1 month ago
    The Handcrafted
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    @wanderingrain ah each one cost 50 tokens, so i hoped there was a way to value each one the same ;w; could we possibly average it out to like 10 per?
    1 month ago
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    @foxbun I mean, we can do that but the difference isn't that big (the total would be 120g then). That's fine by me though!

    Flight Rising profile :

    1 month ago
    The Handcrafted
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    @wanderingrain yeah I didnt wanna like double it or anything ;; that wouldnt seem fair
    1 month ago
    Lunar Howlers
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    Heyyy, when you get more ms, I’d like to do an exchange!

    I’ve got 60,000 treasure, which is 10ms, and then I have 117 gems, which is a square 19.5, so we add those and it’s equal to 29ms! Could you ping me when you’re ready to trade?
    Im also willing to make some art of a FR dragon, if you’d like!

    Other stuff I have:
    Beekeepers Swarm x1
    Beekeepers Hat x1
    3 Unhatched Eggs (2 clutches, 4 inc. periods)
    Grey River Flight x1
    Dunno what the price range for these are, I’m just emptying my nest because I don’t play anymore.

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