Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
4 months ago
The Exhausted
426 Achievements
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Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3
[Campaign] Clicking while loading consumes extra stamina

I've noticed that after clicking "Explore Again" in the campaign, if you accidentally click again before it finishes loading it will consume excess stamina. I ran tests by clicking multiple times, and then comparing my before and after counts once the page loaded (without completing the newly loaded scenario). Tested the following:

  • Wolves do lose excess stamina for each click (e.g., clicking Explore Again and then clicking 2 extra times before the page loads will consume 15 stamina)
  • "I'll Take A Nap Right Here (Stamina spent exploring in Campaign)" achievement does increase by the inflated amount of stamina
  • "Fur-Brigade (Explore in Campaign with a party full of wolves)" & "It's Dangerous To Go Alone (Explore with a party that has 2 companions in Campaign)" do increase by the inflated number of clicks (e.g., clicking Explore Again and then clicking 2 extra times before the page loads will increase these achievements by 3). Can't test other similar achievements as I've already completed them.
  • "Fly Like The Dustraven (Complete scenarios while exploring in campaign)" does NOT increase
  • Activities related to campaigning do NOT increase (tested "Explore Kills" & "Explore Find Items" regular activities and "Explore Goldsea" & "Find items in Goldsea" seasonal activities
  • Do NOT appear to get any items (compared inventory before and after, multiple times)
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