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3 months ago
The Merciless
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Make regular Arena faster / more like seasonal

So, Arena is honestly pretty fun, and I've played a feature I never touched before via the seasonal arenas.

Want to know why I never played Arena before? It takes way too long. Because of the forced cooldowns, you're committed to sitting there babysitting it for 20+ minutes if you want to get a game done, and spending a tiny fraction of that actually playing. It's an annoying mixture of not having enough time to decide what goes on your team and scroll down to it, especially on mobile, and spending too much time sitting there waiting.

I get the delays in PvP, but, well, I haven't played an Arena game that actually had another user in it since beta testing. I suspect the matter that it takes roughly forever scares most folks off. There's no reason to sit there and wait for the bots to make their decisions. The seasonal Arena format is better in every way. I think having a PvP option onsite is neat, but especially since there are apparel and companions that are only available via Arena, the absurd wait times shouldn't be the only option to get the vouchers and achievements. So here are some solutions that would make regular Arena a more enjoyable experience and/or make the voucher and playing games achievements obtainable with seasonal arena, ordered by how useful I think they'd be.

  • Add an option for PvE arena. It's like seasonal arena except with normal companion setups. Skips the cooldowns, all opponents are bots, you have as much time to decide your team between rounds as you want. You can still access regular arena via a separate PvP option.
  • Go into PvE mode automatically if the player has waited through the full cooldown for other players to join and everyone is bots. You don't need to wait for the bots to make decisions, after all.
  • When in "PvP" mode, provide an option to skip cooldowns once all players have said they're ready. Bots, of course, can be ready at any time.
  • Make seasonal Arena count for the "play games of Arena" achievement. I don't know why it doesn't.
  • Make seasonal Arena drop Arena Vouchers, probably at a lower rate than seasonal vouchers so there's still reason to play regular Arena, but so the achievement and Arena items are obtainable given enough time.
3 months ago
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Complete support for a pve arena, same with going to pve if everyone is bots.

For skipping cooldowns I'm fine with it if the ready status of other players is kept hidden so that people aren't pressured to not keep others waiting. Also because this way other players don't know who keeps "holding the lobby up."

I think also there could be a "friendly match" option (no idea in if it should be with or without tickets) where people can be sure that they get into the same lobby. Possibly with smaller lobby options if they want to avoid bots.

Support for adding vouchers and achievements to the seasonal arena as well.

3 months ago
The Golden
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Support! The wait times and having to act on a timer is definitely a discouragement for me. I actually have to have the time to sit down, uninterrupted, to actually play it. Which doesn't happen very often because life.

3 months ago
The Playful
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Oh full support. I am loving the seasonal arena and would gladly sit and play it for hours. Regular arena takes too long and also doesn't give enough time to make choices, so it's somehow the worst of both worlds. But the seasonal arena is infinitely more fun.

Artist, Writer, Coder, and Gamer......... theoretically
truth be told its just adhd all the way down

3 months ago
The Curious
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Definitely support! Being forced to play for that long is annoying.
3 months ago
The Burnt Out
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Support please the real arena takes too long. too much hurry up and wait. not fun :L

3 months ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Big support for this!
3 months ago
The Chatty
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Super support for this!


3 months ago
The Lurking
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Full support! The long wait times are exactly why I don't play the normal Arena very much--it just takes too long with too little reward. If it was more like the seasonal arenas, I'd definitely play a lot more.
3 months ago
The Companion
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FULL support the wait times are painful for my poor squishy brain
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.
2 months ago
The Nimble
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I would love to have a bot option only, untimed, smaller arena available! This event arenas always feel snappy and quick and keep my attention better than normal arena.
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
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