Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Our September Dev Update has been posted here.
2 months ago
The Handcrafted
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[ Custom Graphics ] Banners + Buttons + more~

Hi! Myself & @Kali make a lot of little banner graphics for ourselves, & thought it would be fun to offer them to other folks as a commission! :3

At this time, as we are both in an IRL emergency situation, we are accepting USD/Euro only (paypal, cashapp, kofi). MS/PB sales will open at a later date.

You will be able to select your size(s), shape, the details being drawn/written, colours, etc and you will receive a high-quality PNG file with a transparent background (we usually offer a full-sized, typically around 2000 square pixels, and a smaller thumbnail size that fits into signatures). We don't usually lend out the PSDs as well, but you can request it if you need it.

If you would like a font (text), please use to select a font for me to download. :3

[ Examples Gallery ]

* Example of a Puppery Banner, which can be used to display pairings & potential puppies that you're planning to breed & sell!

[ Current Slots ]
1. Jolteon
2. Jolteon
3. Jolteon
4. open
5. open


[ WIPs ]

* Initial sketches for Jolteon.


[ Prices ]
Puppery Banners - $3 each or 4 for $10
Custom (hand-drawn) Banner - $10 each

[ Order Form ]

Banner Size: (use pixel dimensions like 600x800; you can ask for multiple sizes)
Banner Shape: (circle, square, rounded square, rectangle, triangle etc)
Banner Details: (describe your colours, font(s) & text, imagery, background etc)

1 month ago
The Handcrafted
☆ no friend requests
300 Achievements
Forum Rank 4
Forum Threads: 82
Forum Comments: 976
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 2
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 2
New examples~
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