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4 months ago
How can we get the most out of Lorwolf?

I've been a player for months, just about, and it feels like such a lonely game. How can I get more invested in this game and set goals and all that nice stuff?


Please Ping me 🤞🏼

4 months ago
409 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 21
Forum Comments: 216
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 3
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3


I'll be real, the forums here are super dead in comparison to the activity of offsite Lorwolf communities.

There's a sizeable off-site community I am in where a lot more Lorwolf hype happens. We motivate each other there, usually with things such as sprinkle projects for wild wolves with special dates or special IDs, helping others with their breeding projects, giving advice on custom apparel designs, or general site discussion in a very casual, relaxed manner.

I get all of my inspiration to do things on this site from stuff I have seen posted in the Lorwolf discord. Someone else has a triple WW? That gave me a goal, and through sheer luck I achieved that goal. So now I need a new goal. Well, someone talked about a certain type of WW they collect and it made me think huh, I could have a special collection too, and so I've started my snowbellies den. Someone else posts their WIP for a CA? Their art is so good and inspires me to work on my own. I post my own CA idea? The other people in there will hype me up for my own art more than I ever could do for myself. Someone's been hunting a lot of wild wolves? I wanna join in on the fun! We even have a dedicated channel for besprinkler journeys just because having that community aspect is so nice. It's fun to get a group and lament over the horrific uglies before cheering when someone finally lands a pretty. Watching the journey happen live is so much fun, to me.

If you want to avoid relying on an offsite community, then I'd suggest looking through your achievements and aiming for certain ones. Maybe finish all of the den tasks, maybe work on breeding a pair for the twins achievement, look for a reward you want and go for it. Maybe you could work on getting all your wolves to level 10 if they aren't already. One long term goal some people have is saving up pebbles to buy each of the 4 spiritwolf totems, the ones that cost 15,000,000 pebbles each. If you're into lore, maybe set a time table for yourself on how many wolves you want lored by a certain point? The abundant activities week usually has a showcase for people who do new lore for their wolves, so you could aim for that too.

The site itself doesn't really have much as far as goals go. The achievements gave us a lot to work towards, and as they release new professions we'll (hopefully) get more achievements to pursue.


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