Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
4 months ago
The Watcher
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Doesn't finish smelting ores

I currently have four gold ores and a few others in my cart, and my furnace is stoked twice. It only says "Just chilling" after smelting other ores, but it doesn't touch my gold ore. I've refreshed several times, but it doesn't continue smelting the gold ore into a bar. Only after heading to the Lucid Lagoon and immediately heading back to the furnace does it continue smelting the gold ore. It is a bit of a waste of the wheel though, and the furnace should just continue smelting ores as long as there's enough ore left.

4 months ago
The Roasted
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This has been happening to me too, with my silver ore

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4 months ago
The Giant Slayer
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Is happening to me as well. One way to get around it right now though, if you have a single ore you are able to drop it will start smelting the ones that got stuck. So you don’t have to go all the way to the area and back!

edit for example, if you have 4 gold ore and 2 silver ore, the furnace is stoked but isn’t smelting the gold like it should be. Drop 1 silver ore and it will start properly!


4 months ago
The Exhausted
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Do you have gems/moonstone shards when that happens? Currently those seem to break stoking and will stop it even if it has charges left (started to happen when we got an update making it so they don't take up stoke charges.).

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4 months ago
The Watcher
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Do you have gems/moonstone shards when that happens? Currently those seem to break stoking and will stop it even if it has charges left (started to happen when we got an update making it so they don't take up stoke charges.).
Yeah, I did have them in the cart. I think I had several gems and they went through fine.

4 months ago
The Playful
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Just wanted to throw my hat in the ring that it's broken with iron ore as well, and I believe it's also done the same with copper. It's been happening a lot to me and I've also noticed that sometimes it will show "Stoked: 1" and then on a refresh, give me the option to stoke, and then I get an error when I try to do so, and another refresh goes back to "Stoked: 1" again.

I was suspecting it was because there were moonstone shards in there, so I'll keep an eye out for that as well, since Stellori mentioned it.

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truth be told its just adhd all the way down

4 months ago
The Watcher
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I've been keeping an eye on it for a couple of days now, and moonstone shards seem to be mostly working for me. it's the gems that seem to interrupt the stoking especially for me, but that might just be a coincidence so far
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