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2 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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Can already-purchased CA be updated to fit a new breed?

Hi all, I just made a bit of a disappointing mistake!

I excitedly waited for a new direwolf to grow up so I could buy him a cool background in the custom apparel section, and today I finally found a lovely piece by LaughingFool that I thought would be super fitting for him. Unfortunately this background hasn't been marked as "fitting" the direwolves (even tho it's a background lol) and therefore I cannot place it on this wolf.

If this CA were updated in the future to be allowed to fit the direwolves, would it allow me to put the item already in my inventory on my direwolf?


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

2 months ago
The Tired
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sadly, any CA made before direwolves came out won't fit them, because the CA has to be redone to fit each wolf pose. devs have said they're looking at allowing CA makers to update their pieces to include the new poses, but that it'll take time to make that a feature. until that comes out, we won't really know how it works, but in theory it should allow you to equip it to your wolf
2 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
339 Achievements
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Farming Rank 5
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Mining Rank 3
@Doe noooo that makes me so sad lol the background is literally perfect!! Ah well, guess I'll just wait for updates

Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

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