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5 months ago
Mining and mole house bug , items not getting earn

Every time I mine all the items I get disappear and reset to zero, diamond shard and gems or iron never load up when it say complete. And when I go to mole to get my daily item it pebbles never add up

5 months ago
The Legion
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I am not 100% sure what you mean with the first part of your report, but the last part; the pebbles never adding up when you get the free item from the mole market, that's not a bug.

It can be a bit confusing if you don't read the entire text in the pop up, especially with the way it is displayed. But the pebble amount you see is the amount the item you got is worth. You don't get the actual pebbles, just the item. So it is not a bug that your pebble amount doesn't increase when you get your free item.

5 months ago
When I'm mining all the treasure and iorn and other metal I get don't melt so I can put in my inventory. When I tap collect it disappears and not collected. It would also reset when the bar almost done loading to collect then it reset back to 0
5 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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If you're mining and not receiving the drops it's because there's not enough to smelt. You need 5 of an ore to smelt it into a bar, and the moonstone shards + gems are 1-slot. These get put in your inventory automatically once you finish at the furnace, so you don't need to claim them. It can sometimes be hard to see the changes if you don't use the feature often because your inventory stock won't increase quickly.
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