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5 months ago
Returning player questions.

Thinking about returning to Lorwolf and I was wondering if pup sale shops ended up being a thing. Wolf prices other than WW's (Which I don't care for) all seem to be really low, and there is still no real motive to release wolves (That I've seen I could be wrong). If there is no real pup sale market what does make pebbles and MS here?

Somewhat related what keeps you playing? Making and selling pretty pets is my primary source of enjoyment on other pet sims. The problem is other than the wolf market, I really like everything else about this site, the gameplay is fun, the gene system is cool, the wolf art is exactly my taste and it's really just finding long-term goals that's the problem with my enjoyment. So what are yours?


5 months ago
409 Achievements
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General Rank 5
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Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 3
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3

I keep playing because I enjoy the game and the community that has formed offsite. A lot of it is the community. Another huge thing is the CA system. FR is far too strict with their lineart rules for me to make skins or accents for them, and PCE is pixel art which I can't do. The art for LW, however, I CAN do and very much enjoy, so that's another thing keeping me here. I like having motivation to draw, I need it.

Wild wolf hunting is pretty much the only place any money is at unless you have a very niche kind of pup to sell, and even then those pups will only retain value for as long as you can keep that color combo monopoly. Once other people get those colors/patterns the undercutting gets insane. The knucklebone tokens you get from leveling wolves to 10 and from failed wild wolf encounters can be sold for more moonstones, so that's at least one motivation to release wolves.

During events, releasing wolves will give 1 ticket per wolf (UNLESS the event is for YOUR pack, in which case it'll be 2 tickets), so there's another motivating factor.

I will say though, I can feel my passion for this site dying, and it has nothing to do with the site's direction or anything. It's just because I managed to find a triple potato wild wolf and feel like that was my peak, the only way I can possibly top that is by getting a golden unicorn or finding a quad wild wolf and both of those are incredibly unlikely. I'm probably more likely to win the lottery than find a quad and I am not paying the equivalent of $1000 for a png of a horse. The drive isn't so strong any more, I'm satisfied with my wolves, but I stick around because of the people. I can live vicariously through the community haha


LW time +2hr

Palindrome collector

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5 months ago
The Whelp
269 Achievements
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2

I like coming to Lorwolf because the wolves are very cute, and it's very realistic to be able to gene them the way you want and dress them up. I've been playing FR for the majority of 10 years and FR is so... difficult. Lorwolf CA's are accessible and fun to make as well compared to FR's very strict standards- foxriddles is very correct. Lorwolf just seems realistic in what it expects a standard player to invest to get their dream wolves, and FR (by comparison) seems to milk it's fanbase for every penny (in my opinion, of course. Things are very pricey on FR.) It definitely helps that the campaign here is very accessible. FR's coliseum is tedious and inaccessible to the visually impaired, making it not fun to grind for a little cash.

Anyway, enough comparisons. Lorwolf is just a very good pet site, I love coming to see my little friends and playing around and getting achievements! It allows me to partake in just a little capitalism, as a treat, and feels very rewarding.

5 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
307 Achievements
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Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 2
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2
Wolf Market:

- There is definitely a market for wolves, but I would argue (but not really argue haha) that a lot of the market is off the Mole Market and takes place primarily in the forums/elsewhere. Many collect Wild Wolves, others prioritize clean-lined low gen wolves. Some people are looking for certain kind of wolves for various projects. I see a few people still looking to trade/sell low/lower ID wolves (4/5 digits). There can* be a market for progen pups. The market is just very niche for those and you might have to wait a long time to find buyers/be okay with reserving den space for progen pup sales. The recent release of the Direwolf led to a high demand for Dire pups. And the release of two new patters (leopard and fawn) have also led to some increased demand for wolves with the new patterns. With the addition of the Achievements, there are demands for wolves that produce guaranteed "Twinsies" pups (e.g. identical pups).

Wolf Prices:

- Pricing really depends. The first month of Direwolves releasing, it wasn't uncommon to see Direwolf pups regardless of lineage go for 40-100MS. Especially if they had the new leopard gene. Some progen pups still go for 50-100MS. The higher priced pups tend to be Bracchus or Dires, and i've observed that some people are willing to pay more if there is interesting Lore attached. Twinsies pairs go from 10MS and up depending on colors (all white and all back tend to be most common).

What keeps me playing? TLDR = long term breeding projects and achievement hunting. (will edit to answer later, just wanted to write my thoughts down on the wolf pricing and market.)

“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”
— Eeyore
5 months ago

Thank you to everyone who replied, what I'm gathering is to focus on personal dream wolves rather than the market.

As for CA, no need to convince me on that one. I love the CA system, it's one of the things that drew me back. :D


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