Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
2 months ago
The Trailblazer
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Pricing help

Well, this is kind of very specific but I've been wanting to ask for a WHILE now a couple of things:

1. How much is a WW? (6 digit specifically, since we are still stuck there; I'm aware they are not that special as of yet, but it'd be nice to have an idea...)
2. How much do G2 wolves cost exactly? Do they have any worth to begin with if they come from at least 1 WW?

I'm just very unknowing of this stuff and I want to price them properly ;D ty in advance



2 months ago
The Tenacious
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Prices of both are fairly unpredictable and very erratic! The market isn't huge and is pretty saturated with everyone having a max of 500 den slots- the playerbase itself is not that big at any given moment either.

I'm not in the WW market at all, I don't spam campaign looking for them, so I can't say much else about them. I've sold a couple that I listed for what I thought was way too much given compared to the others listed in their ranges-- no cute IDs or matchy colors, but some people will pay out for cute dates, I've learned? Never hurts to try and be a little bold, I suppose!

Gen2 brachs are (mostly?) consistently higher priced than other G2s, since outside a breed changer it's the closest to a G1 people get. Other G2's aren't as widely-coveted (tho they seem more popular in general than say, on FR) -- except when they are useful for injecting new blood into popular colors that are otherwise saturated and hard to find mates for. Some people do collect them, just not like it was back on like... Wajas, where generation seemed to matter more.

Mostly posting this to spur conversation, so you get better answers. :P I'm sure more people are much more aware of the WW market than I, especially.

2 months ago
The Trailblazer
248 Achievements
General Rank 4
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Seems like I'll need to investigate the market further then xD which is quite confusing for now considering certain aspects but I guess the catchier the wolf in terms of appearance the better?, but I just wanted to get some clearance since last time I admitted that I wasn't that knowledgeable about WW pricing I think I might have gotten a little too bold with the pricing in itself and just ppffft, that resulted on a "you tried" badge getting handed up to me by myself lmao


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