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5 months ago
The Tailor
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An appreciation to Lorwolf color mixing

We’ve been studying color theory while learning traditional painting and noticed that some genes really exemplify the cool things one can do with that. - we only have two examples so far ( that were an accident,,) but look at that ! Near perfectly neutralized grey shoulders & wings with those complimentary colors - and her sister with the analogous purples ! We hope the color wheel gets expanded later down the line! We’ll be like a kid in a candy shop www ( edit: forgot the other example; the puppy we sold, 461044 and his pale green ! ) (( and we hope to one day to get an accent gene with the same type of properties 🙏)) 🐇 <— is very excited about applicable color theory

Accent: Merle Quartz
Under: Stripes Ash
Top: Cozen Beige
Base: Ultramarine
i.d: 424882
Accent: Merle Quartz
Under: Stripes Grey
Top: Cozen Hibiscus
Base: Imperial
i.d: 424884


Always buying Citrine Gems | Silk | Leaf Piles

5 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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I stopped appreciating it the moment I realized my progens will keep producing offspring with awkward bright orange colors even tho both of them have very light undersides :')

Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

5 months ago
The Wanderer
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@lilliful - Lol, they really need to give us a soulbound item that lets us redesign at least one progen. I may not use it, but it would sure be nice for people who want to.

Edit: But I do like LW's marking designs and color options, OP.

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