Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Our September Dev Update has been posted here.
2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5
6/10 now, and so soon after 5/10! This one was kind of crazy. There was one Crested Snowloon and, like, three Thrashers.
2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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General Rank 5
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Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5
Woof! Been a minute, but I managed 7/10 on this very rainy morning! So close to that first tier now!
2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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Gauntlet Rank 5
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Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

8/10! Getting so close! Had another instance of there being two thrashers to help things tip in my favor.

EDIT: NO WAY. 9/10 in the same day!

2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5
It's taken me a little over a month, but I finally got 10/10! The first tier of the achievement's locked in! Y'all, I am so tired . . . I didn't think I'd get this far. I was even just checking my achievement progress, wondering if I'd get my tenth Mirror, Mirror instance any time soon, and then I got it like a battle or two later. Now to only get 90 more instances! Going at this rate I might actually have a chance of completing this ONE achievement in about ten or eleven months. . . Hh.
2 months ago
The Companion
282 Achievements
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Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 3
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 2
YAY! Congrats!
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.
2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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General Rank 5
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Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5
Been almost two weeks since my last tic, but I managed my 11th instance tonight!
2 months ago
The Handy
438 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

I'm still at big fat ZERO and really not feeling good about this one.

I can't work towards it. It just....never happens, no matter what I do. Why would the devs do this to us.

2 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
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Forum Comments: 220
General Rank 5
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Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
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Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

@Antaresia - I feel that. The only luck I have had is keeping my Snowloon/Thrasher duo and getting an instance every few days to every few weeks. I periodically battle throughout the day. I know if I was diligent enough I could probably get them more often, but life. . .

I have honestly been considering creating a spreadsheet to keep track of enemy combinations to see if there are some combos that appear more, but I know it's gonna take a lot of focus and quick screenshotting/typing so it would have to wait until I am home with no other responsibilities 💀

2 months ago
The Handy
438 Achievements
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General Rank 5
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Arena Rank 5
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Gauntlet Rank 4
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Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5
*unloading pent up emotions*
I've been trying in the Goldsea seasonal to, since there's a smaller pool of monsters there. Not sure if that would count or not, because despite all my efforts it hasen't even happened THERE once at all. I play often and hit the gauntlet regularly, also with snowloon/thrasher.

I've never advocated for this game to be easier, I like grindy games. Slow reward systems give me joy, I gew up with neopets and 80's jrpg's. But the devs didn't do the math on this achievement at all. There is no reward for the amount of play time sunk in. I have been playing for months and haven't gotten even one, the odds are SO LOW that the luck is zero for some of us, this is broken game design and I hate it and I'm mad.

Current math says the zero progress I've made in 3 months since the fix means it will take infinity time to complete. If I magically have it happen once today, that's one instance in 3 months. Average for the 100 times needed it will take me 25 years to complete. So that's between 25 years and infinity time to complete, and that number gets worse every day without progress and evey time a companion is added to the pool.

I honestly do not know what the devs were thinking, if this was intentional it's sadistic. I am begging someone to put this miserable achivement out of our misery.

for contrast, I do not enjoy fishing and it will likely take me years to finish those. But at least the numbers go up consistantly when I play, so my lack of progress is a choice and it's fair.
1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
457 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 4
Forum Comments: 220
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

@Antaresia - I honestly completely agree that this achievement was perhaps not thought through. I've seen discussion from members about lowering the number of identical companions on the opposing team to one to have the achievement progress faster. Honestly, this achievement does become harder to achieve the more companions we have added to the game. I think that's what's been motivating me to try to progress as much as I can while the game is still young and the number of companions is so low, because the more we get, the harder it'll be to achieve.

And honestly, prior to this crazy 11 instance streak I suddenly find myself with, I didn't have ONE instance of ever getting two identical companions to show up. Then I suddenly got ten in almost a month just from keeping the same duo. I think that might ultimately what makes or breaks this achievement as is--picking one duo and sticking with it and hoping eventually they appear in the Gauntlet. I was running the math before, and with how abysmal the odds were I had literally estimated it would take me a lifetime to finish this ONE achievement, RNG willing.

This achievement really needed some more workshopping before they deployed it. That, or make different Gauntlet areas for people to fight in that have a set number of companions that can show up. Like, the more creatures we get, make unique Gauntlet venues or something that feature creatures of a certain theme or synergy or even divide them into batches based on release date or something. Then we can reduce the companion pool and allow people to progress through the achievement easier knowing that "oh, this Gauntlet venue only has 30 unique companions that can show up on the enemy team, so I can just pick two of those instead of having to pick from the entire catalogue."

This is another big reason why I wanted to make a spreadsheet tracking companion mobs in the Gauntlet to see if certain unique pairs spawned more frequently than others or if it was truly random. But again . . . the more companions we get added to the one Gauntlet venue, the more the numbers will be against us and the less accurate and helpful that data would be. It would require constant recording and number crunching/tallying with every new update.

So for now I persist, and hope that I can at least get to the end of the second tier of this achievement so that I have some hope of getting my Rank 5 Gauntlet awards. . .

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