Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
4 months ago
The Tryhard
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Bump for WW Hunting 1 Hour Tracking

The logs are actually --->over here<--- and this forum exists for keeping it bumped. Also, any and all chatter is welcomed here instead of there. (Though you don't need to have logs to chat here.)

4 months ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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I was planning to share more about my experience with grinding on the original forum, so I'm glad you've dedicated this post for all the extra chatter! XD

Speaking about my own experiences with the campaign, I’ve done some experiments with different hours to figure out the best times for grinding. I used to think that the hours between 9am and 1pm gave the best results, but I later realized that whenever I got good things, a few other users were online at the same time.

Back in 2023, the chances of encountering WWs were much higher because so many users were grinding simultaneously! I noticed how this influenced both the colours and the rate because every time I caught a WW, I could easily add or take a number in the ID and see the other WW catches. It was fun, and I used to comment on the other catches, getting a sense of friendly closure with the other people since we were always online together, participating in something similar to a group activity.

Another period when I had a lot of luck with catches was during the holidays, like the Murkwood event.

So, I don't want to discourage anyone from participating in the campaign. However, unless we find a way to create a community around it and agree on a few hours when many of us can participate together, we might not see much positive results from the campaign itself.

4 months ago
The Helpful
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Currently doing my first hour in Goldsea. Only 1/3 through the time.

Sale Den 1, Sale Den 2

All wolves 1MS or 10kp

Released at level 10 for KB

4 months ago
The Tryhard
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Happy people are getting interested! I was afraid I'd be nerding alone lol. I know recording stuff can be a pain. I just did my first hour-got 18kbs but no friends. But it's encouraging getting that many kbs for selling. Been lazy lately and therefore not getting a lot.

Gonna make a big ramble about my theories in a minute.
4 months ago
The Tryhard
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@Morus That's a fascinating theory about more people being on at the same time increasing kb/friend chances. Would be nifty if it's true. I can't say one way or the other as I wasn't around back then but-
A while back a friend and I were hard on our hunting game and we'd do coordinated hunting a lot and did seem to rake in the kbs. I can't say if that's just cause we were really focused and therefore hunting faster or if there was a benefit to being in the same place at same time.
Our theory was kb rates are higher in certain zones at certain times. So we'd both jump around everywhere testing spots until we'd find one that seemed abnormally high (Like consistently 1+ kb in every stam bar) and then would beckon the other to come join in the spoils. We called it scouting for hotspots and it seemed to do us well.
This was all done in the Official LW Discord hunting# and some people poked fun at us for it and someone mailed staff asking if 'Hotspots are real' essentially and got a generic answer back something to the effect of 'Encounter rates are the same everywhere.' and we got tired of being corrected and accused of confirmation bias so we stopped talking about it in public.
I still think there's more to it then that blanket answer though. It's very possible that whoever gave it isn't an actual coder for the site and didn't know the finer points of how it runs. Or maybe that is true. Who knows.

(Sidenote: Am in an Unofficial LW Discord now since the other shut down-if anyone wants an invite feel free to DM me for it.)
4 months ago
The Helpful
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How the? @PZM I'm over half way and only have 1kb so far

Sale Den 1, Sale Den 2

All wolves 1MS or 10kp

Released at level 10 for KB

4 months ago
The Tryhard
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@Frostine I click then refresh everything as fast as I can. (Except for the WW encounter which requires an extra click) I also paused my timer anytime I had a distraction so it's a true hour.
4 months ago
The Helpful
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Oh I'm on phone and also going through the battles and item encounters

Sale Den 1, Sale Den 2

All wolves 1MS or 10kp

Released at level 10 for KB

4 months ago
The Tryhard
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@Frostine Phone is definitely slower yep. When I've hunted on my phone I swipe down long on the screen which makes it refresh-instead of having to find the tiny little button-if that helps.

You can still collect the rewards from winning a battle even if you refresh it after. The important thing is just clicking 'Attack' first but then you're good to refresh.

4 months ago
The Tryhard
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I'm greedy for pebbles so I definitely click all items and battles-just refresh after quickly.
4 months ago
The Helpful
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Yes I've been doing that. Just getting either normal luck or extremely unlucky as even when grinding I get about 3-4 in a day

Sale Den 1, Sale Den 2

All wolves 1MS or 10kp

Released at level 10 for KB

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