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3 months ago

Like title says, where do you get salt?

And is there any guide over drops/foods and where you can find them that is up to date because wiki is definitely not very helpful sadly :/

3 months ago
The Loving
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You can find it in the cooking: find ingredients encounter in goldsea area 1, in the mm, and also in your mailbox *winks*

as for the guide i don't know, but there's probably some in the guides forums!


hi :)

3 months ago
The Lone Wolf
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The closest I have to a guide for food drops is this from Goldsea Area 1, just as a little note for myself what drops there, some stuff might be missing, but it's what I got noted down! ^^

Goldsea Camp, Cooking: Find Ingredients (Unlocks at Cooking level 20)

    • Milk
    • Cream
    • Yoghurt
    • Tundra Tear Flowers
    • Merry Murk Flowers
    • Pepper
    • Salt
    • Striped Chili Pepper
    • Russet Potatoes
    3 months ago
    The Calm
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    You can also buy some salt in Cooking Camp store this week with tickets.

    I don't know about a guide about food drops, but since companions you encounter in scenarios are the ones making the drops, if you own one of those companions you can look at its stats to see what it drops. That may help you decide which scenarios to replay when Exploring.


    3 months ago

    The closest I have to a guide for food drops is this from Goldsea Area 1, just as a little note for myself what drops there, some stuff might be missing, but it's what I got noted down! ^^

    Goldsea Camp, Cooking: Find Ingredients (Unlocks at Cooking level 20)

      • Milk
      • Cream
      • Yoghurt
      • Tundra Tear Flowers
      • Merry Murk Flowers
      • Pepper
      • Salt
      • Striped Chili Pepper
      • Russet Potatoes
      So, some ingredients gets unlocked at higher cooking level? That might explain why I haven’t gotten some of those before. Time to level up cooking I suppose.

      Thank you everyone for your answers! <3

      3 months ago
      The Forager
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      This has been answered pretty thoroughly already but I’d like to chime in because I cook a lot!

      The best place to get it is from the Cooking Camp, its quite infrequent (i think a week every two months or so) and gets more use when you’re an older player and can cook faster + have more slots for cooking so you can get vouchers easier, but still definitely obtainable for lower levels. But it’s the only place you can get salt in bulk in a reasonable fashion.

      The mole market is the second best place, because it requires no work other than being at the right place at the right time! That being said, it’s a bit of a pain to rely on that since the mole market refreshes just enough/not enough to be inconvenient, but you can get 10 for a very good price all things considered. The most beginner friendly!

      The goldsea finding ingredients….is kinda bad. I personally do not like it since it gives you about two drops and sometimes it’s salt. That’s on top of getting that option in the first place, especially with the other explore options in that area being a bit lackluster as its in the first area. I mean for crying out loud, the fishing option gives you six fish! The many cons aside, its permanent and repeatable, so if you’re in a pinch its a worthwhile option.

      I don’t recommend getting salt in the flea market. Salt is highly in demand for its difficulty to obtain and the prices I’ve seen are atrocious. Be ready to pay ten times as much for one salt.

      And technically, ingredients aren’t locked behind levels, by the sense that its not that you can’t use them at a lower level like how it is with mining equipment or crafting recipes. Level just affects methods of obtaining and the success rate of your cooking. If a concern is you’ll burn everything you make since it’s too high level, then you can at least collect ingredients so you can use them later!


      I love you. I want us both to eat well.

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