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6 months ago
The Merciless
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So, how do you feel?

Exactly the title. How are you feeling about Lorwolf, what are you looking forward to, and what do you think it’s done well?

I myself have been here since launch, and I love how much Lorwolf has grown and how many new things there are! I remember for the first few weeks/months or so, the pebble;moonstone conversion rate was so odd- 10million pebbles was 100ms. And also, the CA was different. There wasn’t much site apparel. The community was small as well, with not too many newer players. Of course, I can’t speak for beta/alpha testers, it might have been different then as well.

But now, it’s very different. There’s a new wolf breed, wider variety of CA and site apparel, more companions, and so many new people! I love how much Lorwolf has changed, and I look forward to more awesome changes in the future <3

So, what do y’all think?


Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |

Please ping unless stated otherwise on the thread, ty!
6 months ago
465 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

Things I like that have changed since launch:

  • New breed (direwolf)
  • New patterns (leopard)
  • New apparel - in particular, the seasonal event prizes and anniversary boons
  • The achievement system
I think these are the main features that were added/changed in the last year, and they are great progress for a 12 month duration!

Things I think are currently lacking:
  • Need way more pattern options
  • Need options to purchase more dens
Breeding and customization are getting stale because of the small number of overall pattern combinations. There isn't a wolf combination out there I haven't already seen before. Not much room to be creative or build something new without leaning heavily on the CA system.

  • Need more rewarding mechanisms for passive gameplay

This used to be satisfied through the campaign feature and regular professions, but neither feel rewarding to me anymore. A few reasons why:

  1. Wild wolves barely sell for anything unless they are pretty (very low probability)
  2. Pebbles rewards through professions are low; moonstone rewards are even lower.
  3. The higher your profession and achievement levels, the fewer returns you get relative to time spent, because progressing further takes incrementally longer as exp requirements continue to rise. After a point, the time spent just doesn't feel worth it.

Other general criticisms:

  • The art style isn't as charming as other games in the genre. I'm not the biggest fan of the gradient patterns or the current patterns in general - like I said before, it feels stale to me after a year. The lines and patterns are like overly simple to a point where I don't feel I'm able to create something that really pops with a WOW factor.

Overall impressions:
  • The game has promise and I'm willing to stick around for a long time. The amount of time I spend playing will depend on how much content they add and how fun it is.
  • Looking forward to seeing what developments are in store for next year! The new deer pattern seems promising. Hope there are many new patterns in the queue.

6 months ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Husky's take is pretty good. The drought really damaged a span of time we needed more pattern releases to keep breeding interest up; there are tons of easy straws to grasp out there right now even in just the "natural animal patterns" department, and given so far we have patterns that are flat layer masks with some selective blurs or gradients on the edges, I will say that I'm fairly surprised at how few we've seen released in a year, with that in mind. Several CA artists have firmly whooped that record solely by themselves, bit of a shame.

The site needs some desperate QoL updates in a bad way-- I personally really am hopeful wolf sorting re-configs so applying patterns, using items, listing them on the FM, etc-- are taking up some of the coders' time right now. Professions still need some tweaks, farming is the most egregious of these. For folks with a job, having to babysit timers like we're playing farmville or alternatively paying the farmers for a 12 hour chunk of time we know we can't utilize most of just feels awful. ):

The change from ms to pebbles was a great change for expanding the cooking pot and mining cart, credit where it's due there!
The quarterly events are cute and fun, I like how relaxed the pacing has been! I love that even people that can't participate for the whole month aren't left out, and the gauntlet gives those that can something to keep pushing against. PVE arena has probably been my favorite thing the game has added since it launched, hands down.
I was glad to see staff adjust ticket gain during the first one-- was less thrilled with the speed of boss encounter fixes with the second, but I do recognize they went out of their way to apologize to the player base for that! It was appreciated, but would have been nice to hear from the team that the problem was recognized and that a fix was in the works before the event was almost over.

The pebble path is great, the variety of apparel has been nice. I'm very glad they reconsidered immediate retirement of everything, that was a fantastic choice for keeping the game attractive to new people joining-- the "epic" rarity sets give them something to save up for and for people to ""invest"" in, without completely locking away a whole apparel type behind a loot box system. That also ensures the loot boxes themselves in future years won't get slogged down so quickly with just endless recolors of everything going into it. A++ choice there, no notes.

More den expansions would be nice, but I feel we're at the point where we need den cost caps in place as well, they don't need to keep increasing in price per den forever. The value of 50 slots is already dubious at 90ms imo. I'd also like to see den slot expansions, with pagination if necessary.

Head mod Q has been doing their best to bridge communication gaps, but I think the devs still need to work on getting more open lines of communication going on the whole, especially after the discord closure. The patch notes are a good start, but they are very by-the-minute, and I think people would like to hear more about some slightly longer-term plans and how they are going as well. People don't need to know every time someone sneezes on the back end, but a bit of a pulse check on some longer-running issues would be nice.

There is a lot more I could say, but in the interest of brevity, those are some of the biggest wins (which have been lovely to see) and most glaring sore spots for the year so far. :P
6 months ago
The Trailblazer
252 Achievements
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I've been here for a couple months ans I've been pleasantly surprised by the CA system, I swear I never had this much liberty before (at least around the boundaries of the site) and it's one of the things that has made me want to stay and get creative, because there's so much I can get out of my head in this way and dress my canines however I want lol, alongside the fact that this game is pretty chill and nice overall! I like the idle-like aspect of it!

Now I personally don't see anything that should be changed, aside from a few things like getting an actual trade system that is not through messages (because I've gotta be real, it's kinda uncomfortable gdhjdgd) or some other stuff to make things easier, like being able to go directly to a wolf's sale through their profile when you are scrolling other users pages and so on (it's also uncomfortable to search for an specific wolf you want that is listed by hand aaa)

Other than than I've got no other objections whatsoever, the rest of things depends on other player's experience and I completely understand.
The only thing that kinda bothers me is the arena, most of the time there's only bots playing with you and I don't get why there's a waiting time when that's the case? That should be fixed imo, I'm not saying they shouldn't include time to prepare when there's more players, I'm saying that is kinda bothersome when there's only bots there? I was hoping the arena to be sort of like the arena in one of the seasonal events when you fight against bots only (Murkwood seasonal) because the wait time did not exist and in all honesty it was way more entertaining and fulfilling to play that way (Yeah, I'm not sitting through a 30 minute match, my attention span is terrible and specially when games are slow like that) I'm just hoping the site will be able to tell whether you are playing with other players or bots lol.


6 months ago
The Trailblazer
474 Achievements
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Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5

Lorwolf is always something I can come back to and relax with after such a busy and hectic day. I can buy a new wolf and jazz it up with neat apparel and level it up. Progress makes me happy, so Lorwolf is something I can work away on while I have the time to. So, overall I am quite happy with it even though people want more content updates. I am fine with it, either way. I just don't want everyone to leave because of it.

I am looking forward to any future content like everyone else, but I always wake up and are eager to spend time on Lorwolf, so I look forward to just playing it. To be a little more specific in regards to content, I'd love more (maybe complicated) apparel sets to make and more recipes to cook.

As for what it's done well, I think it's quite simple: It's always something I can come to and take a few hours to chill with, whether it's checking my professions or leveling up a new wolf I bought, to checking the forums, there's always something I can do.


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