Playing Lorwolf, a poem.
Something went wrong while dropping the ore.
Something went wrong while claiming quest rewards.
An error has occurred.
Something went wrong while crafting the item.
You cannot use that crafting table right now.
Something went wrong while exploring.
You are giving birth too quickly! Please try again in a few seconds.
Too many updates, try refreshing your page.
Your page is out of date, please refresh and try again.
There was an error playing with the companion.
You do not have anything to claim right now.
There are not enough of that item for sale.
This item is sold out.
You already have a wheel equipped.
You already have a pickaxe equipped.
Price mismatch. Refresh the page and try again.
You cannot select a new destination while you are travelling.
Unable to find ore to drop (cannot find id).
You cannot collect any compost at the moment, try refreshing your page.
Invalid action, try refreshing your page.
You cannot add that amount of compost at the moment.
You cannot add that amount of water at the moment.
You cannot empty your pot while cooking.
An error has occurred.
Something went wrong while beginning the hunt.
Something went wrong while completing the hunting quest details.
Invalid companion selection.
Unable to find hunting quest.
You cannot use a wolf that is already hunting.
You do not have enough space to cook this.
There are no items in your cooking pot.
Unable to make anything with current ingredients.
You have nothing to claim. Try refreshing the page.
You do not have enough room to cook that many.
You cannot put food in the pot while you are cooking.
An error has occurred.
You are not currently cooking anything.
You do not have enough space in your den to give birth. (You need a minimum of 4 spots).
You do not have enough space in your den claim your attachments.
You have already played with a companion recently, try again in a few seconds.
Your page is out of date, please refresh and try again.
Your den is full. The wild wolf couldn't join.
An error has occurred.
Something went wrong while exploring.
Something went wrong while exploring.
Not everyone in your party was able to be fed, try getting some more food!
You cannot afford that.
You do not have enough of that item to sell.
Something went wrong while downloading the image.
An error has occurred.
Something went wrong while sending wolves to the den.
An error occurred while refreshing the shop, we recommend you fresh the page.
An error occurred while refreshing the shop, we recommend you fresh the page.
You don't have any empty slots
You cannot do that, your nest is full.
Something went wrong while claiming quest rewards.
Something went wrong while exploring.
Something went wrong while giving birth.
Invalid dimensions (must be 3000x2400)
Something went wrong while exploring.
Something went wrong while feeding your party.
Unable to validate items for sale, refresh your page and try again
A collection of many error messages(but not all!) put together with the help of @Orgetzu #1985 , @Stellori #583 , and others.
Some error messages here repeat, this is intentional.
There are some really funny error messages, and a surprisingly large variety that is easy to miss
If you have any new ones, feel free to show them here!