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8 months ago
The Merciless
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Hi all :)

First things first- I have no idea if there’s a difference between coding and programming.. but it’s something I’ve been wanting to get into!

No idea if this is the right place to post, but how should I start? I know that I want to get good enough to make my own virtual pet site like Lorwolf or Flight Rising.. or just games in general.


Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |

Please ping unless stated otherwise on the thread, ty!
8 months ago
The Helpful
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I'd honestly recommend looking up tutorials online! I used to be pretty good at HTML (which I believe the site is coded in) just from YouTube, various learning sites, etc. Seems really simple but it's really helpful!

I'd actually recommend doing that for anything - if you want to make a pet site like this, or an app, those will both require different coding languages. So, figure out what exactly you want to do first, then look up tutorials and such! :D

If I have the time later, I'll try finding the site I used when I was in school - it was completely free and really quite helpful! I'll make another comment if I manage to find it :)

8 months ago
Bone Copy
The Boneweaver
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coding is a slang word for programming

html is a markup language, not a programming one, but it is good to know to make websites. css is the thing used for styling. the programming itself is usually done in the programming language javascript. typescript is like javascript but way cooler

games don't have to be websites but it's one way to start

learn the basics of programming and how to do them in your chosen programming language, after that the best way to learn is to decide what you want to do and look up how to do that. make sure your sources are recent though, because the web evolves constantly

mdn web docs is a very cool reference website for all things web, w3schools also has some good tutorials


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

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