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7 months ago
The Determined
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Mining Furnace Bug?

I don't know if this is a bug or not but I've paid to stoke the furnace and have easily made over 10 bars so far and the number isn't going down. I haven't been able to pay for a new stoking for 4 days by now and I was really hoping to.

Something that might be affecting me and, if it is, I guess I just need to know, is that I'm doing a 'gem hunt', where I'm filling my 30maxed out cart half with gems and the other half with ore before I go back to the furnace. Could that be affecting it? Do you have to have a full cart of ore to be able to 'use' the furnace or something?


7 months ago
The Exhausted
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It's likely the gems have something to do with it. Since they fixed gems and moonstone shards to not take up a "charge" for stoking, stoking will not finish even if there's still charges left and there's four+ of one type of ore if you have gems (and maybe shards) in your cart.

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7 months ago
The Lurking
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A stoked furnace isn't applying to the Silver Ores in the Fluorescent Fountain at all for me right now. I don't smelt anything less than silver so I don't know if the Copper or Iron Ores are doing the same.
6 months ago
The Broken
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Getting the same error - I have four Chaosium in my cart that are not smelting despite the fact that my furnace is stoked. They were all acquired after I got some gems, and another set of Chaosium ores were smelted before these no problem. This is a persistent problem, too.
It's really annoying to have to waste wheel durability and stamina on a trip to Lucid Lagoon (and have a pile of junk ores deposited in my cart) just to get the last four Chaosium smelted. Hope this is an easy fix!
6 months ago
The Tailor
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Same type of error - furnace having 1 charge left and not smelting last 4 ore in mining cart ( it’s consistently been iron for us )

Always buying Citrine Gems | Silk | Leaf Piles

6 months ago
The Tired
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I have found a potential workaround for this bug -- try dropping an ore from your cart & see if that restarts smelting. Just worked for me now -- I had four silver stuck in my cart at a stoked furnace, dropped an iron ore, and had smelting restart.

6 months ago
The Broken
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This bug still exists, and as far as I can tell it's completely irrelevant which ore it's trying to smelt into bars.
5 months ago
The Lurking
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I'm also having this same issue. The furnace has been stoked and still has charges, but the last 4 ores in my mining cart aren't smelting and my wolf is just chilling.
5 months ago
The Wanderer
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I'm getting this issue too and it seems some ores don't get smelted in 4 when the furnace is stoked. I had 4 mithril and 8 silver. The furnace had 4 or so charges left so I figured it will perfectly smelt all those ores. Instead, it smelted 5 silver and stopped. I dropped the remaining 3 silver and that restarted the furnace to smelt the 4 mithril.

Before this, it was smelting some moonshards and gems which I was immediately collecting cause I thought too many uncollected items was causing the furnace to stop.

Edit to add: the 4 charges didn't go down

1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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This bug is persisting, and as others have mentioned before, the best way to combat it is to have at least one piece of ore you wouldn't mind dropping to push the furnace to stoke if you have four matching ore left in your cart. I.e., I usually farm gold ore, and I'll keep at least one lesser ore (silver, etc.) that I can drop just in case I get stuck so I don't have to waste time and cart slots going back and forth between high level mining areas.

It's a little annoying, but the best fix we have for the time being. All of that, and sometimes paying to stoke the furnace doesn't take in the middle of a cart load so you have to refresh a dozen times and keep paying the stoke fee (I haven't actually kept an eye on my total pebble count whenever it gets stuck like this, so I don't know if it's actually depleting my pebbles or not).

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