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7 months ago
The Odd
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[S] CA Resales [W] MS/FR/CAs/WWs

Hi, I'm selling/trading a bunch of CAs I no longer have a use for. I'm mainly looking for MS but will also accept FR gems; I'll also consider trades for other CAs, natural-colored WWs, besprinklers, & knucklebones. I may also take pebbles as a small part of an offer. In general, if a CA is still on the market, I'm looking for a few MS less than the sales price; if it's no longer for sale, just make an offer.

An asterisk* by the name means it's my own CA that I just happen to have extras of. A question mark by the price means I'm not 100% sure of the original price but think I remember it -- if I got it wrong, let me know!

CA Models: Here | Here | Here


Pumpkin Enchanter | Original Price: 50 ms

Moonlit Lotus Serpent | Original Price: 30 ms

Monarch Flower Garb | Original Price: ?40 ms

Haunted Pumpkin Head | Original Price: 55 ms

Darkthorn Armor | Original Price: 40 ms

Weaver's Raiments | Original Price: unknown

Little Red Riding Hood | Original Price: 100 ms

Mystic Scroll | Original Price: 50 ms
Markings & Background

Undercover High White | Original Price: 30 ms

Sand Blaze and Stockings | Original Price: 30 ms

Bone Aura | Original Price: unknown

| | | | Wild Wolf Sales | | | | | | | | The Bone Mire | | | |

7 months ago
The Boneweaver
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Hi! I'm pretty interested in

- Undercover High Black (30ms)

- The Helm of Mars (75ms)

- Black and Gold Mantle (60ms)

Would you consider 150ms for the lot?


7 months ago
The Handcrafted
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I'm interested in one or both Laced, do you have any general price range that would be acceptable?
7 months ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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Oh my, now this is quite the collection <"D

Will I sound greedy if my inquiry is about half of them?
I would be interested in this entire list of Ca;s:
Bone aura
Data breath
Weaver's Raiments
Eve Enchanter
Abyss Berserker
Pumpkin Enchanter
Laced With Toxins
Laced With Venom

7 months ago
The Lurking
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I am interested:
Abyss Berserker | Original Price: ?100 ms

Black and Gold Mantle* | Original Price: 60 ms
Cobalt | Original Price: unknown -- I can offer 100MS

For laced with toxins/venom, very interested as well. I could do 100MS per?

lmk! i know others are also asking so ofc i know im waiting in line haha

7 months ago
The Odd
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Yes, I could do 150 ms — I’ll start the trade in a moment. Thanks!


I do have an offer of 100 ms each — since you expressed interest first, let me know if you’d like to match/counter the offer.


Not at all! Feel free offer on any/all of them.


100 ms for Cobalt works for me — I’ll send it over in a second. The black/gold mantle has sold (although I may restock it in the marketplace at some point); I’ll let you know about the other CAs.

Edit: also sending both Laced CAs for 100 ms each. Thanks!


| | | | Wild Wolf Sales | | | | | | | | The Bone Mire | | | |

7 months ago
The Handcrafted
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I will pass but thank you! :3
7 months ago
Wild Wolf Hunter
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Other Ca's I be interested would be:

Darkthorn Armor

Moonlit Lotus Serpent

Monarch Flower Garb

Ive sent you a message if you would like for us to work a trade

7 months ago
The Devoted
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I'm interested in a few things here but...anything left?

7 months ago
The Odd
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The post is currently up to date; some CAs have people interested in them but are still open for offers.


| | | | Wild Wolf Sales | | | | | | | | The Bone Mire | | | |

7 months ago
The Devoted
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I’m very interested in the Abyss Berserker and can pay 100ms or more if needed.

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