I like them a ton. The male pose and the puppies are my favourites :) can't wait until I can afford more breed changes, so far my avatar is the only one I have.
They're super cool in both poses, and I'm glad we got such a desirable breed as pebble exclusive. I'm currently saving up to breed change one of my existing wolves.
I like them although I feel like the different poses have different levels of ferociousness and I would've preferred if that was more in line. That being said, I do still like them, and the change of pase - having had the same 6 breeds for a year, having something new is good. Sadly most of my wolves are hella ugly, so there's very few I am willing to spend a breedchange on. (WW luck is not in my favour)
I like them! I've breed changed five so far, and am considering changing a sixth wolf. I do prefer the female pose, though I think the male pose will grow on me.
I love them! I can't even decide whether the male pose, female pose, or puppy artwork is the best! I guess maybe the male pose is my favorite I like the snarl a lot. very a lot. Iove being able to have a wolf with a more dangerous looking face expression!!! And I really like how bulky they are! I love all the other breeds artworks too but I have been a bit sad at only having leaner/ skinnier looking wolves. I want beefy/big/chunky/fat wolves too! my pack needs the variety! direwolf is the first breed to give me anything like that. so yeah basically I think this new breed is one of the best lorwolf updates yet! I will have an ungodly amount of these dudes someday (since the release I'm just like...save up 300kp, buy breed change, repeat. idk when I'll even be able to stop I got so many I want to breed change now lol)