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8 months ago
What are the best Lorwolf-like games?

I have just discovered this genre of website animal games, and I'm looking for stuff like it.

What non-Lorwolf games are popular in this community?

What are your favourites?

8 months ago
The Weaver
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Everyone is obsessed with Flight Rising, which is about dragons, but I like Lorwolf more.

I don't know any others... but there are most certainly more

Okay, maybe not everyone is obsessed with FR, but lots of people play it too


I want more pineapples

8 months ago
The Tenacious
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Flight Rising is a fairly popular one, it launched in 2013 and has stood the test of time fairly well for the genre. There's a lot to like about it, there's also things they could be tackling better, but if you like dragons it's a decent bit of fun. LW's color wheel works similarly to FR's, so less learning curve going from one to the other. Dragons have one less color "slot", but they make up for it by having genes that have a few different accent colors depending on which ones you pick.

Chicken Smoothie is an old classic, but not really a pet sim the same way.

Most of the other well-known ones are fairly new and I don't know much about them-- Goatlings, Pawborough... There's at least a couple more I'm missing.
8 months ago
Bone Copy
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if you go to off-site trades, people mention other games they play there. flight rising has the "items for sale" forum where 10-20% topics are reliably off-site trades as well. that's where i sometimes go to discover other games, i haven't seen any i liked yet though

i remember trying huntandjump for a while but there isn't any real gameplay, you just manage horses. they're pretty though. i just logged in for the first time in a while and most of mine have died :(


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

8 months ago
The Shopahowlic
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I'm a big Flight Rising fan personally <3 I don't even really care that it's 'dragons' or the lore, I just make up my all own lore/worldbuilding and imagine the dragons as all manner of magical creatures. I basically use them as dress-up dolls to display certain aesthetics and write my own little stories about. I love the site-art (so many beautiful options,) and community there. There's so much to personalize and customize when it comes to the dragons, and the limit really is your imagination when it comes to lore. I've been there for 3 years and haven't lost any interest, it's definitely a big creative outlet for me ^^ It's also pretty easy as a free-to-play game, I've never felt pressure to buy premium currency there as the economy is pretty stable and well-balanced; completing projects just takes a bit of time.

I'm interested in Pawborough and will probably try it out when it releases officially, but other than FR and Lorwolf, no other petsites have really caught my interest as the art is either not my thing, or the pets die, or there's big pay-to-win fomo vibes... I still remember the good old days of being a Webkinz kid, but that was a loooooong time ago lol


To share a wolf's image on the forums, type this! {Wolf(ID#)}

<3 <3 <3

8 months ago
The Loving
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I know of several, I have tried a decent amount of them.

Flight Rising is my favorite by far. :3 I love the dragons!

Then there is PonyIsland, Wajas, Lioden, Wolvden, Mweor, Felisfire to name some. I have played FR and PonyIsland the longest though. Wajas every now and then. And the others not so much. I'm not a big fan of some their mechanics such as pets dying.

I do want to try Pawborough when it launches however.


signature art by foxbun/kaliwolfer <3

8 months ago
The Curious
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Ok so.

If you want a wolf game, specifically, there are several, but this seems to be the best.
- Wolvden is good if you want a realistic experience, but it isn't the easiest. It has a bit of a learning curve and takes a lot of time out of your day. Depending on your schedule, you might not be able to play it and Lorwolf at the same time.
- Wolf Play is a decent game; the worst thing about it is that there's no way to stop wolves from aging, so if you take a break, your wolves might be dead when you get back.
- Wajas is great if you like the customization aspects of Lorwolf. It revolves entirely around making and dressing up rainbow wolves. It's not a difficult game at all, although complicated projects may take a long time to achieve, and the wolves don't age.
- Google knows of more wolf games than I do.

There are also horse games and dog games, the two largest categories. I recommend Furry Paws as a dog game; it's very realistic and revolves entirely around the breed and show aspects, but has a large, active community and cool events (Christmas, Easter and June being the main ones). Its learning curve is low and you can leave dogs locked indefinitely to prevent them from aging.
More info on horse or dog games if you want it (ping me!)

For a wild animal game your best non-wolf options are Lioden for lions (with the same caveats as Wolvden, although it's more extensive and has fewer bugs) and Wild Horse's Valley for horses (the base game is finished and more features are in development; it's a long term game and gets grindy toward later levels, but the artstyle is magnificent. Built around exploring the valley. You gain and lose herdmembers pretty freely as you explore, so it's not a game for people who get attached to every individual horse).

Felisfire is a sci-fi cat game with a largish playerbase. It's a little odd to play, but you can do lots with it: breeding, color alteration and dressup, exploration. It's sort of like Wajas with cats.
There's probably another cat game out there somewhere, but I don't think there are two. Cyska Siberians still exists but requires Flash, so don't bother with it.

The only goat games I know of are Goatlings (a really cute fantasy goat game which mainly revolves around acquiring items. The game is impossible to lose and easy to get ahead in, but the playerside economy is severely broken due to many, many permanently retired items) and Ropin' Ranch (a realistic horse game with goats and cattle. No fantasy elements, still in development.)

The main rabbit games are Leporidae (with an old version at, which I believe is still taking signups) and the wild rabbit game Warrenz, by the same developers. Both Warrenz and new Leporidae have a weird exploration mechanic which rewards items. You can breed bunnies in normal or fantasy colors, and both versions of Leporidae have an option to hide fantasy colors entirely. Warrenz also has a combat system. has a list of about a hundred games, but a lot of them are badly made, dead, or no longer in development.

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