Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
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9 months ago
The Curious
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Character concept that I'm probably never gonna get around to:

"It is a lovely morning at the beginning of a war, and your codename is Horrible Goose."

referencing the Untitled Goose Game which we all know and love. I like how the goose from that game has become a shorthand for "causes problems on purpose"


Breathe deep, seek peace. - Dinotopian proverb

9 months ago
The Merciless
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Ooh I like that idea! I haven't tried a war one in a while!

"I laughed with you. I believed in you. I followed you. I cried for you. I fought with you. I grew up with you. And all along. You were never really there."

4 months ago
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- Plantlady with hundreds of houseplants, the kind of person that give their plants human names like Frank, Berry or Susan and talk with them or about them as if they were not actually plants.
- Metalhead and biker guy who happen to love some really small breed of dog like maltese, bichon frise or toy poodle.
- Old guy with a parrot
- An adult female who's completely blind but loves to build lego
- Someone really into crystals and fashion
- Someone that have lost fingers/hand/arm or something in an accident
- Grandmother who's into boxing and F1
- A parent that lost a child that was 2-5 years old, but it was now 10+ years ago
- Someone who grew up with parents who had a puppymill and now they are trying their best to be better
- Someone who just got out of a cult
- Someone that likes to complain about everyone else but are doing the same thing they are complaining that others do.
- A homeless teen that just try to survive in a world not meant for teens
- Someone who in secret lives alone in the forest and befriend animals

Paranormals/also human based
- Revengeful witch who has put her enemy in coma just to have them out of the way but without having to kill them
- Timid werewolf girl who is without a family, trying to find a new way of living with a new family or on her own
- Brave fairy goes out in the human world gets lost and find love in a human
- Dragonshifter going through unethical ways to expand their species existance
- Mad scientist human find themself after an experiment gone bad stuck to a horse's body (they've become a centaur)
- Vampire child afraid of the dark

- Forgotten by it's owners it seek refuge in a cat colony where it's not welcomed
- Old cat who have lived their whole life inside of a horder house with hundreds of different cats that comes and goes and then they are rescued
- A cat that's more loved then the children in the family they live in
- A cat that have lived out 5 of their 9 lives but is still in a bad state of life
- Lynx gets raised as a housecat
- One of the tigers of Tiger King
- A circus lion that gets rescued from the circus but ends up in a private zoo that's just as bad as the circus

4 months ago
The Merciless
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Oh wow! These are a lot of ideas! And good ones too!

"I laughed with you. I believed in you. I followed you. I cried for you. I fought with you. I grew up with you. And all along. You were never really there."

1 month ago
The Gamer
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A big taurus humanoid, bulky and mean looking, large scars all over the body peeking through the messy black fur and chipped large horns that curl to the front-over the forehead and up. His name is Makontt and is seen often getting intro brawls, nobody wants to mess with him! But- he holds a secret! In his run down hut away from town he hides a whole colony of tiny fluffy hamsters that he keeps under his bed. Now mind you- his bed is giant so theres a lot of space for a hay crafted nest with loads of tiny tunnels and hiding spots for his little friends that he hand crafted himself! Every morning he gives them "window time" where he puts all of them on his giant shoulders and arms and stands by the window sipping a tiny cup of tea while his buddies climb, sunbathe or run around on the windowsill.

Idk just something I blurted out on the spot, just really love big scary guy characters who love tiny critters with all their heart.

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