Hey everyone! As far as I can tell, there's nothing disallowing this, but I also don't see one, so I figured I'd make a small hub for people to find roleplay partners! Just post a small sheet saying preferred mediums for the roleplay, preferred style, and preferred content, and then any other additional notes you find important.
Like so:
"Hi, I'm looking for a partner who just wants to casually roleplay with our wolves!"
Preferred Medium: Discord, LW PMs
Style: Semi-lit, non-para
Content: Slice of Life
Notes: I'm usually around a lot, so don't worry about times of availability."
(Note 2: This is just an example, I'm not actively looking for roleplay partners myself.)
Useful terms:
"Lit" refers to how literate someone is. It generally includes grammar, in addition to how verbose one is. "Lit" tends to mean more proper writing like you'd find in an adult novel, "semi-lit" is more casual, and "non-lit" means you really don't care about how good they are at words.
"Para" refers to when people roleplay in paragraphs. Multi-para means a lot of paragraphs. Non-para means shorter responses.
I think that's everything! Please contact each other through PMs and don't discuss on this thread, so it can be kept clean for people to find one another. If possible, please edit your post when you're no longer looking for roleplay partners.