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11 months ago
The Foodie
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The forums are so slow

Is anyone else a little sad by that? I'm used to sites where the forums are always moving, but here there seems to be crickets.

11 months ago
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@Rowan I know what you mean, I came here from FR where the forums are constantly moving. Then there's days that the lorwolf discussion section of the forum doesn't even budge, not even a bump of an older thread.

Of course, I'm a bit guilty here since I don't participate on the forums much. The way forums are as a whole is uncomfortable to me personally. I never really used forums growing up, so I don't have the nostalgia factor a lot of other people do regarding forums.

I think a lot of it is that the site is new. There aren't a whole lot of people here on the site- I usually see that number hover around 250-300 active users. With more people, there would be more opinions and thoughts that would help forum threads be more active, I feel.

For me, I only participate in a forum if I feel like I have something to say that hasn't been said yet. I read the vast majority of new threads, but comment on a tiny fraction of them. I bet other people feel the same way.


11 months ago
The Foodie
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I guess for the most part I am just a talkative person, so seeing this so quiet gets to me. I always see a number of people on, just now one talking. I suppose I could try and start some new threads. I just don't like starting them only for the to die out so fast.
11 months ago
The Achievement Hunter
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It makes me very sad. I love forums. I just don't know what is ok to talk about on here/the vibes... I get too nervous

My guinea pigs, Sir Pancakes and Professor Waffles, say "hi"!

11 months ago
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The discord server is sadly a major part of this slowness/quietness.

If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread:

11 months ago
The Sprout
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Something about the way these forums are constructed doesn't really work all too well. I can't put my finger on what it is but it feels like something is missing, or at the very least in the wrong place.

I love forums! I would love to be more active and interact with people here more, but like Coop said the Discord server seems to be where all the action is unfortunately. I think there's some pros there (instant feedback, a more casual/chatty atmosphere) but I'm a big proponent of trying to pull stuff out of the "walled gardens" we seem to be running into everywhere on the internet nowadays. There's a wealth of institutional knowledge for Lorwolf that you will never see unless you join a third party platform-- a platform that is actively updating itself to be increasingly less user-friendly, I might add-- and I think that's a real shame.


「 ✦ Ishmael ✦ 」

| LWT - 5 | i am a lore den! | perpetually broke |

check out my puppery!

11 months ago
The Curious
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Discord (there is already a talk about that here) and the forum's lack of features are the problem here. Unfortunately, LW Devs chose the hard path for their forum. Reinventing the wheel. Where, in fact, the wheel already exists and has been perfected. Ok, the problem is that all these forums engine won't fit so perfectly in the LW website, but is that really a problem? I'm I'd rather have a that is feature full and themed for lorwolf, than a fully integrated forum that is lacking features.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

11 months ago
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I think this game needs a bit more meat? FR is over a decade older so there is a lot more content to talk about there. I find the professions and general gameplay here to be very straightforward and simple right now; I don't have much to discuss or ask the community about, I mostly just play on my own to unwind tbh.
11 months ago
The Apprentice
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Hi everyone!

There is already a similar thread on the forums, so I am gonna go ahead and lock this one.

If you would like to add your thoughts about the subject, please do so here: LINK

Thank you so much!

Moonsblessings <3

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