Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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What are you reading right now?

I've been reading the Dungeon Meshi manga! I was a little concerned at first, because I was worried it would have the usual Edgy Anime/Manga Shenanigans + possible mistreatment of women characters. I was definitely uneasy reading it at first because the one main female character was being treated like an incompetent blubbering child who was just a problem, but it actually improves quite a lot as the chapters go on. Her skills end up being useful for different things and her attitude isn't just burdensome anymore. It also turns out the manga creator is a woman, so that probably has something to do with it getting better lol. I'm only halfway through so far, but I would recommend it because it's actually really funny and interesting! There are some points that might make someone feel squeamish or uneasy, but it's a lot easier to only see it standing still on the page rather than animated, imo.

What are you reading right now (novels, manga, comics, fanfics, etc)? Do you like it?


Don't be shy to make offers of pebbles/ms/hard-to-get cooking ingredients like milk and salt on any wolves in my sale den!

1 year ago
The Weaver
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I'm reading a series called Keeper of the Lost Cities. I was obsessed with it when I was ten and decided to reread it lol

Aaaand right now I'm listening to Wings of Fire book eleven haha


I want more pineapples

1 year ago
The Lurking
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I was online researching when I discovered a book known as “The hundred year marathon”, reading its description, I found it to be quite interesting. One thing led to another, and now I own it , and am reading the book at this moment.
1 year ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Finished Nettle & Bone not too long ago, by T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon! Very cute, I enjoyed it. Snooping around looking for What Moves The Dead next, same author.
1 year ago
The Lone Wolf
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The Jujutsu Kaisen manga on and off. I am in pain LOL
1 year ago
The Curious
🇫🇷 Woof
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Warhammer 40k - The Gaunt Ghosts series - Book 11 - Only in death
ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

1 year ago
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I finished Haunting Adeline a couple days ago. Want to start the second book soon, but have to read a Christmas book first for my bookclub.
1 year ago
The Sprout
Any Pronouns
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Finished Nettle & Bone not too long ago, by T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon! Very cute, I enjoyed it. Snooping around looking for What Moves The Dead next, same author.
I've heard wonderful things about What Moves The Dead, but haven't had a chance to read it for myself. I hope you can find it!

I'm in limbo between books. Not much has caught my eye lately, and one of the few books I have finished recently is not something I'd recommend here due to the disturbing content. I've been thinking about getting back into the Warriors series for a bit of "mindless" reading, though!


「 ✦ Ishmael ✦ 」

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