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1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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Achievement "It's Time To Duel!" 5/5 bar not going up right

I've played 182/300 rounds of arena for this achievement, 182 is over half yet it shows as less than a quarter on the bar.

I think the 300 is probably a different number in the code than is shown and that's why it's showing this way(could be something else though) I have a screenshot from earlier and it's a bit hard to tell since I was zoomed out with my window scrunched up, but it seems the bar has gone up visually.


1 year ago
The Exhausted
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I noticed this too, and while it's a little strange I don't think it's technically wrong. The number is your overall count, but the bar is the progress for that particular tier. It happens for all achievements, but it just becomes a lot more obvious at the higher levels where you 'start' basically halfway done. This one for example has the level 4 achievement require 150 games. So when you complete that and it rolls over to level 5 needing 300, you're already at 50% total progress. The bar resets to zero though and counts from there, showing you additional needed progress for level 5 only. So rather than showing 182/300 (60%) it's showing you 32/150 (21%).

Edit: It might be more clear if the bar was formatted like the xp/stamina bars on wolf pages, where hovering over it makes the number pop up. Then the hover text could show something like "Level 5 Progress: 32/150"

1 year ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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from my understanding it's reading as 0/x from the last benchmark. So for arena games it's 150 before 300, so the achievements logs the next 0/150, so it's only showing 32/150 in the bar. It's a little odd for sure.

[e] Seems we were on the same wavelength lol

1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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@Hawkfeather @Twicup ooohhhh I would have never thought of it like that thank you, that explains it. It's kind of confusing though xD Thank you for the explanation.


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