I found a fourth friend, so my success rate is now ~ 2.8% (141:4). She's not as pretty as my pink girl, but she's accceptable.
I found a fourth friend, so my success rate is now ~ 2.8% (141:4). She's not as pretty as my pink girl, but she's accceptable.
Encountered 160 | Befriended 12
Encountered 253 | Befriended 17
updating again:61:7 so ~11.5%Welp, updating this i guess.
150:14 so ~9%
230:18 so ~8%
I'm currently at 50 encounters and no befriending. My luck is horribleAfsjaka hope you get some soon!
202 Encounters / 12 Befriended (5.941%)
During the whole Goldsea Event got a total of 52 knucklebones and not a single doggo followed me home.
So many ideas, so little time.
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