For me, every single week, there are CA wolves winning in my group. Except this because someone put a Christmas them colored wolf. And for the third week in a row, a fox colored wolf.I think the past 3 weeks completely broke me in terms of pageant. I'm tired of only seeing wolf with CA win, with the random first row wolf being placed. I don't want to make any effort anymore, I'm putting in a random wolf I have and only for the top row from now on. What's the point of even trying if the pageant has become p2w. I don't even want to participate anymore, but I can't miss the weekly shards.Lol, my CA'd wolves aren't winning either. I've placed a whole once since late August. I'm starting to do the random pick thing myself as well because I'm just not willing to really put effort in picking anymore if I'm just gonna keep losing again and again no matter how pretty the wolf I put in was (I even stuffed in someone without CA and he lost too so I have no idea what is going on... maybe I just have bad taste haha).Though tbh I'd hate it a lot less if it wasn't for the fact there are achievements for placing. I really wish there wasn't.
But yeah, in the long run only seeing CA wolves is getting a bit old. And I have tried anything I could with my wolves. Naked, with apparel. Another thing that is tiring is beginning the week with a set of apparel that I'm the only one to use on day one and ending with 5 other wolves having the same one at the end of the week and one of them placing. I really don't understand why the wolves aren't locked at entry.