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1 year ago
The Shiny
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How am I supposed to combine Models in the Arena??????
The Arena guide and the wiki both refuse to elaborate on how to combine companion models while in the arena. I've tried doing it myself and it seems like I can do it. But nothing happens when I move two companions of the same model on top of each other, and clicking on the star does nothing?????
1 year ago
The Rookie
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When you have 3 of a model of the same star level they will combine automatically :)

1 year ago
The Shiny
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Either I am unable to read as well as I thought I did, or neither the arena guide nor the wiki explicitly mention that rule. I'm just gonna with the the idea that I am losing my literacy, because I don't want people to get mad at me for not knowing about this unspoken rule about the Arena! ^^;

1 year ago
The Rookie
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I don't think it is actually mentioned in the Guide or Wiki so you're all good lol. Could do with being added since it is a little confusing if you haven't already figured it out.

1 year ago
The Shopahowlic
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Thank you for asking, because I had no idea either lol


To share a wolf's image on the forums, type this! {Wolf(ID#)}

<3 <3 <3

1 year ago
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Information about how to combine exists in the tutorial on the arena page, but it is not specific enough on how many is needed.

"You will have approximately 30 seconds to select your first Team member for the first round. This Model can be “bought” from one of the four displayed Models in the Model Store in exchange for 1 Paw (the Arena round currency). This Model is then added to your Team. You can refresh the shop in exchange for Paws at any time, and once for free after every round. Multiples of the same model will combine automatically to achieve higher levels, with 3 stars being the max level."

Edited my wording to sound better (hopefully)


1 year ago
The Stinky
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@foxriddles 'Multiples of the same model will combine automatically' doesn't really say how much it takes to merge though, there's no way to know from official tutorials unless you figure it out yourself, I had no idea it took 3 of a card to merge when I first played arena and quit for a couple days out of frustration until I saw someone offhand mention it took 3 to merge in a forum post.

(edit: we have the same amount of achievements!(124 at time of posting) that's neat!)


1 year ago
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@SovereignFives You're absolutely right. It does not specify the exact number, just the process. My goal was to answer the original question of "how do I combine arena models": by buying more, they will combine automatically, there's no need to try and manually combine. But it would help if it was more specific on the amount needed to combine in the official tutorial.

I hope my comment didn't come off as snarky or rude, it was meant to be like "oh there's a space for this on these pages" as opposed to, like... "you should've seen it here" or something. I'll edit my wording.


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