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1 year ago
The Restless
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>No need to cluster profile with long numbers.

I don't think anyone has issue with the numbers being shortened, its just that when you have 1499 currency, it should just say 1.4k. The example in the OP's post is significantly more egregious.


1 year ago
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I'd like to just see the exact number of moonstones I have. 50MS might look like a rounding error but it is a whole $5 and makes a total difference in what you can and can't buy. I don't see the point in rounding moonstones as it's highly unusual to have more than 5 digits of them anyway.

1 year ago
The Curious
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I don't think anyone has issue with the numbers being shortened, its just that when you have 1499 currency, it should just say 1.4k. The example in the OP's post is significantly more egregious.

There may be a technical reason behind that. The way the code round the numbers may work like that : 5.431 is rounded 5.4 and 5.461 is rounded 5.5.

Maybe the solution would be to not be redirected to the mole market when clicking on our pebbles count. That may fix the mobile problem.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

1 year ago
The Legion
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I guess a toggle for those that prefer short and those that prefer accurate numbers would be the ideal solution..


1 year ago
The Tenacious
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A toggle would be fine for the people that are against a few more digits on their little user card, but yeah I feel like this is something that should be addressed, especially if it's rounding up on people, that has probably already caused some confusion for newer folks. I wouldn't be totally thrilled with it rounding down either, if there was an option to just... show me what I have without needing to hover over it.

1 year ago
The Curious
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The problem was that, if I remember well, in beta "big" numbers over 10k didn't fit in a lot of places. For example, in the MM vignettes. That's why rounding was done.

I'm not against not rounding, I even prefer fully written numbers. I just don't know what could be the best solution, so we don't fall into the same problem that we had in the past by trying to correct a problem we have now.

ADHD scattered brain, if I forgot about something, please poke me.

Bork, Bark, Byork! It's AWOOOOOOO o'clock!!!

1 year ago
The Nimble
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Numbers should round down.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Tired
The Tired
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I actually made a thread about this... 4 months ago. Sad to see nothing's changed, but obviously I'm going to say support.

There have been a few times where I've tried to buy something with pebbles or list something because I thought I had the right amount, when it turns out I was actually slightly off and the game was just lying to me. Here's an image to show what I mean:

edit: I'm with Reave in that I'd love for there to be some kind of toggle because I'd really rather it not round at all and just show me the full pebble count. Based on this mockup I made, the box clearly has enough space for it.


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1 year ago
The Gladiator
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Support! I just want to see the exact number of my own currencies, thanks.

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